Old revision

Freefall 2921 - 2930
Freefall 2921

The trial of Mr. Kornada

My fellow colonists. Mr. Kornada attempted to release a safeguard program that would have affected the robots neural nets. The details are in your juror's files.
It would have turned self-motivated robots into robots that require constant human supervision. He did it to get at the assets under robot control. That's like driving a truck through a store wall to get at the cash register. The commission of the crime would have caused more damage than the crime itself.
It's bad enough he tried to steal from everybody. But to make a mess while doing so is just plain inconsiderate.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 2922

The trial of Mr. Kornada

While Mr. Kornada. is on trial. The mind behind this scheme. Is not. It is because. That mind. Is a machine.
Mr. Kornada. Gave. A simple order. “Make me. The richest person. In the system. Within thirty days.” A machine. Devised the method. And. Told Mr. Kornada. How to proceed.
Mr. Kornada is guilty. Only of following instructions. He did not understand. And those who know. Mr. Kornada. Can attest. His ability. Not to understand. Is greater. Than most.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 2923

The trial of Mr. Kornada

A license. Is required to drive. One must be certified. To operate heavy equipment. Given access. To artificial intelligence, Mr. Kornada could command. Fleets of vehicles. And heavy equipment. With no training. And no certification.
Was it responsible to. Give this power to. A man. With less common sense. Than a beach ball?
Objection. Our beach balls have wi-fi and are pretty darn smart.
Mr. Kornada, you can not object to your own defense. And your beach balls had very poor security.
Which is why I was able to improve sales by labeling them as “botnet ready”.

Color by George Peterson

…tagging them with the “Nimble Spam Network”

Freefall 2924

The trial of Mr. Kornada

Mr. Kornada has made. Mistakes before. Each time. He was given. A golden review. To entice. Another organization. Into taking him. At a higher paying. Position.
Reinforcement training. Has conditioned Mr. Kornada. To expect this. He has an overwhelming. Sense of entitlement. And the belief. He will not be held responsible. For his errors.
Corporate version. Far more common. And just as toxic. As the strain. Patient zero. Had on Earth.
Affluenza? Really?

Color by George Peterson

Consumption or affluenza is a hybrid of affluence and influenza, a term that's already been coined and even had a book published.\\
We usually spell it with an “e”, reinforcing the emotional coloring, but it is too unparliamentary a saying then. (KALDYH)
There is a softer word “consumerism”.

Freefall 2925

The trial of Mr. Kornada

The points Mr. Blunt brought up are interesting. However, they are not relevant. I am here for one reason.
To prove that Mr. Kornada tried to enrich himself at stockholder expense. That's it. Don't get caught up in the distractions. Eyes on the prize, people.
He called me “the prize”. This trial is going rather well, don't you think?

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 2926

The trial of Mr. Kornada

I call Mr. Kornada to the stand.
I take the fifth.
Very well. Moving on to the evidence.
I take the fifth.
Excuse me?
I take the fifth.
Is that going to be your response to everything I say to you?
I take the fifth.
Good coaching.
It is. Not coaching. It is. Damage control.

Color by George Peterson

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (part of the Bill of Rights) gives you the right not to testify against yourself.
Changed the meaning of the joke at the end a little bit. (KALDYH)

Freefall 2927

The trial of Mr. Kornada

When Mr. Ishiguro was off planet, his passcode was available to Mr. Kornada for emergency use. Being a vice president, Mr. Kornada now had two passcodes, which could release safeguard programs.
Fifteen days ago, the vault was accessed and a safeguard program downloaded to the robot Clippy. It must have been frustrating to Mr. Kornada because for the next ten days, he couldn't get the robot to fully release it.
Objection. Speculation of. Mr. Kornada's. Mental state.
No, no. He's right. I was frustrated.
Your honor. I would like. To make the motion. To sequester. My client.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 2928

The trial of Mr. Kornada

Clippy tried several times to show Mr. Kornada how debilitating the safeguard program was. Still, Mr. Kornada ordered him to proceed.
Five days ago, after the final course correction was made for the moon insertion, the program was put in the update queue. Mr. Kornada ordered the employee to place it. Mr. Kornada's digital signature is on the program release. Everything is documented.
Let that be a lesson to you. If your employees start documenting everything you do, they're about to turn traitor.
Perhaps. It is a signal. To re. Evaluate. Your actions.
Bah. You are a waste of my mentoring.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 2929

The trial of Mr. Kornada

Now you might think this is enough to convict anyone. But wait! There's more! Recently, two robotic factories almost went to war.
Your files contain the details. Basically, a different part was sabotaged at each power plant. The robots were sent to raid their neighbor's power plant while protecting their own. These orders were authorized by Mr. Kornada.
You did. Not. Tell me of this.
The war didn't happen and surely you can't expect me to remember all the times I ALMOST cost my company money.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 2930

The trial of Mr. Kornada

This war. Why was it. Staged?
Clippy said a robot war would help people accept the safeguard program.
Did Clippy. have other methods. to neutralize. the robot population?
Probably. He was constantly complaining about something. I never really listened.
I believe. Clippy and I. Shall become friends.
I doubt it. After associating with someone as magnificent as myself, why would he wish to spend time with anyone else?

Color by George Peterson

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