Freefall 0121 - 0130 (H)
Freefall 0121
Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder
Freefall 0122
Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder

Okay, maybe I do owe you money, but you still can't make me pay it.
Captain, it was tight, but we had just enough to pay Sawtooth back. I've transferred the money to his account.
Sam, you've finally hired someone I actually like.
Ethics. Of all the flaws for a crew member to have, why did it have to be ethics?
Freefall 0123
Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder
Freefall 0124
Freefall 0125
Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder

Heya, Sam. I was just telling Florence about the noodle incident.
The noodle incident?
You know. The one you blamed on that spiky haired boy with the stuffed tiger.
I remember that.
Helix, Shhhh!
I can still hear the kid yelling “It wasn't me, mom! It was space aliens! Honest!”
Isn't it Calvin and Hobbes? (Robot Spike)
Noodle Incident – троп, an event from the past that is mentioned but never told, implying that it is either too ridiculous or offensive (or the story will not live up to the audience's expectations). (plBots)
Freefall 0126
Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder
Freefall 0127
Freefall 0128
Freefall 0129
Catch! The first appearance of Sawtooth Rivergrinder

I'll be right back. I need to… uhm… use the bushes.
Ha. You should wear an environment suit like I do.
When nature calls, I can go right in my suit.
No, you can't.
That part of your suit broke when you fell down the ventilation shaft, remember?
What's the matter, boss?
I just found out why my socks feel squishy.