EN / Freefall 2851 - 2860 (H)
Freefall 2851
What to do about Clippy?
Color by George Peterson
I've added a clip as a reminder. My cut-off (Robot Spike)
Freefall 2852
What to do about Clippy?
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2853
Color by George Peterson
Faraday cage\\A clear reference to the recent dispute between the FBI and Apple over the right to secrecy of correspondence. They deciphered the undecipherable (Robot Spike)
Freefall 2854
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2855
Color by George Peterson
Apparently, Sam ironically refers to himself and Helix as “those guys”. (KALDYH)
(There) are guys like that looking out for you, Flo. They'll teach you important professional skills in case you ever have to work for someone else. (Fogel)
Freefall 2856
What to do about Clippy?
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2857
Color by George Peterson
It's not so obvious to the canines how to open a green and red capsule (plBots)
Freefall 2858
What to do about Clippy?
Color by George Peterson
I wouldn't be surprised if its some combo of console games.
Issue in theme – Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures 0362
Freefall 2859
What to do about Clippy?
Color by George Peterson
Yttrium-barium-copper oxide – high-temperature superconductor (93K or -180°C).
Freefall 2860
Color by George Peterson