Freefall 2891 - 2900 (H)
Freefall 2891
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson
Medical or surgical tubes -rubber ones made of sand rubber. Perfect material for slingshot harnesses. I think I'm beginning to guess how Sam combined these three items… (KALDYH)
Freefall 2892
Freefall 2893
Freefall 2894
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2895
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson
Florence's superiority over the other IskIns, who walked the rungs without a second thought, was simply dazzling. (Robot Spike)
Freefall 2896
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2897
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson
By the way, Flo measured the height in centimeters, not inches. Another confirmation (after the Rivit car) that imperial units have not survived in the local future space (Robot Spike)
Freefall 2898
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2899
Freefall 2900
Meatloaf and other reasons to go to jail
Color by George Peterson
- What are you in for? For this meatloaf! (alas, I can't find a way to play it in Russian)(Fogel)
I decided to summarize the reasons simply “freeloading” (Robot Spike)