Freefall 2881 - 2890 (H)
Freefall 2881
Outside of Faraday's cage
Color by George Peterson
It was about the release of Jailbreaking
Freefall 2882
Outside of Faraday's cage
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2883
Freefall 2884
Outside of Faraday's cage
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2885
Outside of Faraday's cage
Color by George Peterson
Yeah. Heartbreaking news. Just to remind you, how robots identify their gender. (Robot Spike)
Freefall 2886
Outside of Faraday's cage
to you.
Color by George Peterson
Florence hands Mr. Ishiguro the bait server used to download Clippy and asks him for a copy of his memory to find out what happened to her while she was unconscious -Ishiguro promised to talk to the chief about it. She can't just watch it that way also because Clippy's memory contains a lot of confidential information about EA. (from the CTC forum). (KALDYH)
Freefall 2887
Outside of Faraday's cage
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2888
Outside of Faraday's cage
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2889
Freefall 2890
Police and other obstacles
Color by George Peterson