Freefall 2391 - 2400 (H)
Freefall 2391
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Shit, you can't tell who's wearing it underneath the parka. (KALDYH)
Freefall 2392
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2393
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Library files are mentioned on p. Freefall 2221 (KALDYH)
Freefall 2394
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2395
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2396
Freefall 2397
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2398
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
An obvious reference to “Spider-Man” with his uncle's pathetic long hackneyed moralizing, through at least half of the webcomics (Robot Spike)
Freefall 2399
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2400
Meanwhile, down at the south pole
estimated sound of remote
Color by George Peterson
Clippy is quite “human” (the machine can't be afraid of itself), and self-destructive -how human of him\.
UPD Although, come to think of it, he's disconnected from the Commnet, his level of corporate access may well mean better programming and a different way of updating and sleeping. There's a good chance he'll kill everyone and himself stay (Robot Spike)