EN / Freefall 3911 - 3920 (D)
Freefall 3911

Provisional Title: Sqid in the maintenance shop

You're going to see some humans
on this station. I know it's your first time. Play it cool. We don't want to attract attention.
Hello, Humans!
I love you all!
It was tough, but I was
able to contain myself.
Freefall 3912


Hello, Human! I love you!
I will do anything for you!
When we get to the meeting,
I need you to tone it down and
let me do most of the talking.
We're in for some tough negotiations with
the humans and saying “I love you and will
do anything for you!” is likely to undermine
our position.
Freefall 3913


The station manager and the union each have their own agenda for robots. Until they agree, you and your friends won't
be allowed to work.
Your job is to play the naive six year old and get each side to explain their case as they try to sway you with their arguments.
And in doing that, we will be doing something that is very dangerous to any entrenched mental position. Getting each side to actually listen to their opponent.
Freefall 3914


Niomi! This is Rover17.
He's from the bomb factory
and here to help on the station.
Hi! I love…
I am pleased
to meet you.
Thanks for getting
the snacks.
Food we provide to set the tone for our negotiations. One of the things you'll learn about humans. It doesn't matter if the person
is a pauper or a billionaire, they're both happy when they get a free donut.
Freefall 3915


This is my first entry into
a private human living space. Are there any special rituals I should perform?
Sam, before you say anything to corrupt this robot's mind, remember that I am listening and I am bigger than you.
No. No special rituals. Especially no special rituals that involve the pummeling of a sqid.
Though if you travel with Sam
long enough, I'm sure you'll see that special ritual performed. Depending on negotiations, you may even see
it tonight.
Freefall 3916


This is the first time
I have been in a space deliberately designed
to be non productive.
Yep. Thing is, spaces like this are where some of the most productive ideas are born.
It's why we need to get robots
used to leisure. Get you guys to pull back from your jobs and see more of how you fit into the world.
Your current situation? Best described as having amazingly fast clock speeds and no time to think.
Freefall 3917


Mr. De Morel.
Mr. Hillman.
Looks like we're going
to have to work together
on this robot issue.
Elevator's here.
I'll take
the stairs.
Freefall 3918


He just doesn't get it.
If the station goes bankrupt, we all lose.
Labor keeps nickel and dimming me.
Only work a certain number of hours. Time and a half for working more than forty hours. Time and a half for attending a meeting after normal working hours.
I shouldn't have to pay someone to argue with me when there are plenty of people who will argue with me for free.
Freefall 3919


For most of the history, there have
been the rich and the poor. Unions fought long and hard so the common man can get a fair shot at life.
I understand that the station is in
trouble. There's got to be another answer other than not paying the workers.
And then there's precedent. If there's
one thing history has taught us, it's a lot easier to lose rights and protections than it is to get them back.
Freefall 3920


Mr. De Morel.
Mr. Starfall.
Is the representative
of the robots?
I am
Rover 17.
Are you and your companions
ready to go to work?
No pay, no work.
His files have
been corrupted.
I believe his files are working just fine, thank you.
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