Dinosaur Comics 3631 - 3640 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 3631

It did not generate an alt-text but in another run through it got obsessed with t-rex saying «But… why does my cookie taste like… LITTLE PUMPKINS?? And how is there a giant one here??» so - there you go

Dinosaur Comics 3632

God works, and communicates to talking dinosaurs, in mysterious ways

Dinosaur Comics 3633

BUT THE WorDS in tHe paSSwORd wILl AlL be DicTionarY WoRDs!! Not when I use my special keyboard where I rearranged all the keys, haters! CHECK AND MATE

Dinosaur Comics 3634

It's not illegal to claim you wrote Robert Frost's poems, which is good, because I alone wrote Robert Frost's poems. I mean my poems

Dinosaur Comics 3635

Dinosaur Comics 1620 panel being in iambic pentameter may not be historically accurate, but it is historically awesome

Dinosaur Comics 3636

Social media has become sentient now and it's got MANY conflicting opinions about that

Dinosaur Comics 3637

Be it resolved that things being resolved are actually a huge hassle

Dinosaur Comics 3638

What is a man? a miserable pile of secrets, and I already have SO many piles all OVER the place, just - just push them aside and sit anywhere, I'm sorry

Dinosaur Comics 3639

«When you get older I guess you get suddenly and inconveniently horny» was a fact of life I lived with for YEARS, until that last horse finally crossed the finish line

Dinosaur Comics 3640

A good way to remember how to spell «embarrassing» is that it's embarrassing to be «barr assing». note that for this mnemonic to work you have to consistently misspell «bare» as «barr», but also note that it's worth it

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