Dinosaur Comics 3641 - 3650 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 3641

So angry that I can't wait to get even angrier, can't wait to slip these surly bonds of earth, put out my hands, and touch the face of So Much Angry That It's Fatal

Dinosaur Comics 3642

The good content creator himself would not have made his bible searchable if he did not want me to cherry-pick the content I like

Dinosaur Comics 3643

Thus concludes RELATABLE COMPUTER HARDWARE ISSUES COMICS, please to find them extremely relatable

Dinosaur Comics 3644

I looked this up and Wikipedia, and it said «Because of different prevailing wind patterns around the globe, the traditional rhyme is generally not correct at lower latitudes of both hemispheres». Sorry everyone, but better you find out now from me and Wikipedia than finding out on your own whilst sailing at lower latitudes of both hemispheres

Dinosaur Comics 3645

Meanwhile, Dromiceiomimus has fully analyzed T-Rex and come up with a solution to his problem, but he's already wandered out of panel 3 once more before she could EVEN RESPOND

Dinosaur Comics 3646

Joke's on you because *I* intend to pull an einstein and say my last words in a language nobody present understands. truly galaxy-brain thinking that will both check AND mate my haters

Dinosaur Comics 3647

T-rex is NOT me, Ryan because I'VE never regretted anything ever!! that may sound a little strange but I don't feel bad about it (by definition)

Dinosaur Comics 3648

I searched Google for «is an art» and it turns out translation, leadership, medicine, something called «cardistry» that involves shuffling cards but fancy-like, comedy, ballet, coding, lobstering, economics, making friends, science, doubt, love, dying, selling, twerking, and director rotation is arts. GOOD NEWS: you or a loved one may already be making an art

Dinosaur Comics 3649

Listen, we're all just looking for a \r to our \n

Dinosaur Comics 3650

Do NOT confuse the mighty sexathlon with a mere sexathon. that 'l' in «sexathlon» is doing a lot of heavy lifting. again, if this were a sexathon I would be able to make a joke about «heavy lifting» but we are discussing sexathlons here, which are VERY serious, thank u

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