Dinosaur Comics 2921
If you're here because there were only six wonders mentioned in the comic and you want a sick diss on the Temple of Artemis, then here you go: the Temple of FARTemis. Thank you for reading my comic today.
Dinosaur Comics 2922
Convincing his friend that his other friend not only peed in the pool but pooped in it too, but his mom took it out when nobody was looking so you can't see it but it totally happened and he saw it at the bottom before she took it out
Dinosaur Comics 2923
Dinosaur Comics 2924
Can any three words be more tantalizing than «Secret Illegal Pyramid»?? may i present… «Secret Sex Pyramid»
Dinosaur Comics 2925
Thank me once you listen to what the learned smash mouths once concluded vis-a-vis the challenges, but also the benefits, of being an all star
Dinosaur Comics 2926
Did Alice and Bob stop being friends because they got tired of Eve listening in on their conversations? ALSO: WHAT IS HER DEAL, I MIGHT ASK??
Dinosaur Comics 2927
Look, all i'm saying is: if there's one thing that t-rex definitely is, it's a mythological concept, mineral, place or country, property, or a scientist
Dinosaur Comics 2928
After we made cloning work like in garbage stories we decided that a single hair was enough to do this, because as everyone who has watched a crime show knows, hair is made of pure uncut freebased DNA
Dinosaur Comics 2929
YES there is a dude named Dan who keeps coming over to my house unexpectedly and dropping voms at dinner, YES this is my mega passive-aggressive way to let him know that this is Not Okay
Dinosaur Comics 2930
To be fair he was REALLY good at beating up plant ladies, not to mention funny men, cold men, and men with two faces