RU / Dinosaur Comics 2271 - 2280 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 2271

Sorry if i consider EVENTUALITIES and FOOD more often than MOST

Dinosaur Comics 2272

You rub a lamp and a genie comes out. you guessed it: INSTA-INSANE.

Dinosaur Comics 2273

What can i say? one of my interests is the sexy bods

Dinosaur Comics 2274

«But aging occurs at the cellular level!» «I know, and there are so many cellular-level mistakes! Those li'l guys are BIG screwups!»

Dinosaur Comics 2275

James fedex has chucked your beer over a fence into a neighbours yard and james fedex is wondering what the hells your problem, bro

Dinosaur Comics 2276

Last night we both drank some things we cant take back

Dinosaur Comics 2277

That thing is 99% some elses perspiration! Eww. I dont care WHAT the remaining 1% is, Im not touching it. Im not! Im not.

Dinosaur Comics 2278

You want dinosaur comics, you got dinosaur comics

Dinosaur Comics 2279

People say that im too frugal / but i got salt tips you cant google

Dinosaur Comics 2280

We are 100% in favour of pals, here at dinosaur comics dot pals

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