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Dinosaur Comics 1251

Utahraptor, people living for revenge get to walk slow-motion in front of more explosions than heartless plutocrats do. i can't just ignore that

Dinosaur Comics 1252

He says hes impressed that I could recognize him, as he was mostly shot from above with will smiths body obscuring his features

Dinosaur Comics 1253

My buddy olivers got so many opinions that he made himself a shirt that says that hes got opinions

Dinosaur Comics 1254

He had his lawyer… draw it up?

Dinosaur Comics 1255

Readers! Im lying! Its not dinosaurs that cant go 2 days without water. ITS HUMANS!! IT WAS HUMANS ALL ALONG

Dinosaur Comics 1256

The court rules that the plaintiff must discern the difference between «natural law» and «positive law», and must ALSO stop imploring the jury to «set right what once went wrong»

Dinosaur Comics 1257

Why oh why did i make lolita EVEN YOUNGER

Dinosaur Comics 1258

The brilliant thing about loheta is that if anyone gets mad at his books content, they have only themselves to blame, as they constructed the story theyre reading! reputation: salvaged.

Dinosaur Comics 1259

Guys who has stubbed his little toe so hard that hes broken it, multiple times? OH LOOK ITS ME, GOOD OLD HARD-WALKIN RYAN

Dinosaur Comics 1260

I hope he comes home soon. from his month-long vacation in the tropics, that is!

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