Dinosaur Comics 0741
This egg sandwich is breakfast terrorism
Dinosaur Comics 0742
Alternate ending: t-rex finds an old diary of his while cleaning, flips through it, finds a random entry, and wonders what would ever have compelled him to write the phrase 'brainstorming the castle'. he feels like he'd like to distance himself from his past self. he sits quietly for a while.
Dinosaur Comics 0743
Decades of advertising AND a catchy theme song
Dinosaur Comics 0744
Arguably, our nation's finest natural resource?
Dinosaur Comics 0745
Later: batman is so pissed off at the nappy times suggestion that he ACTUALLY BECOMES REAL, just to punch the people who have been sniggering!
Dinosaur Comics 0746
Even the example t-rex gives is fundamentally flawed. who would like to be known as a 'sexual basketball player'? 'sexual basketball' sounds like some game a creepy guy would make up and then try to get you to play with him. what's the deal, creepy guy?
Dinosaur Comics 0747
Dude's name is 'jacques esqueleto'
Dinosaur Comics 0748
The origin of the idea was that t-rex was having a tiff with his dog and wanted to make him EVEN ANGRIER by talking about replacing him with an electronic pet car that ages somehow. then he was like, holy cow, how come i'm not playing that game RIGHT NOW??
Dinosaur Comics 0749
T-rex is the worst lois lane ever
Dinosaur Comics 0750
This comic goes out to all the people with big enough hearts to take in and care for a totally sucky dog