Nerf Now!! 2091 - 2100 (H)
Nerf Now!! 2091

Every indie game I play lately has BAD END.

I don't enjoy bad endings to start, it's something I may tolerate now and them for the novelty of it but at this point is being overused.

I get it, you indie guys are rebels who don't want a cookie-cutter ending where you kill the guy, rescue the princess and save the day so everything needs to be doom and gloom. It's just a new kind of cliché.

At this point I just ask on twitter beforehand if the ending is bad and if I get an yes, I skip the game.

Nerf Now!! 2092

One last thing about the whole bad end thing since people are still talking about t on the comments section… in the end of the day, it's what I enjoy in my games. I can't find a solid argument about happy ends being better than sad ones, but I don't need to.

Stating the obvious, I dont like games with gloomy endings and this is enough for me to not enjoy a game. I'm not asking for a boycott or to spam negative reviews on metacritic but I'll straight avoid a game with a shitty ending if I knew about it beforehand.

It's not like there is a shortage of games to play anyway.

Nerf Now!! 2093

I'd love to play Mario and Rabbids.

The cynic person on me could say the game would suck because of whatever reason from lack of mouse to being dumbed down but the truth is all games can fail and Nintendo track record is better than most.

Not all is bad news for the Master Race though, Xcom 2 new DLC been announced and will probably keep me busy enough.

Still… I won't mind playing Mario vs Rabbid and honestly, and if I had to pick between one or another it would be a close call. Still Xcom2 is already a good game while Mario and Rabbids need to prove itself.

The heart says Mario and Rabbids but the brain says Xcom2.

Nerf Now!! 2094

When Destiny lanched I wanted to play it but alas, the game was console only and my interest quickly faded.

Years later, perhaps realizing the console market isn't THAT big after all, Bungie decided to go multiplatform and I could finally give it a try.

But wait, looks like there is a new grindan-shooter in the market called Anthem! When it rains, it pours.

I've heard some justified comparisons between Anthen and the struggling The Division which range from gameplay to how the demo played and while I say some of it it's fair, I want to point some key differences.

- Anthem setting is different. For some this isn't important but for me it's a big deal.

- A byproduct of The Division being focused on our world is the enemies will mostly be humans, slow moving targets strafing from cover to cover using hitscan weapons. It gets old FAST.

- The Division seemed to have a big focus on PvP, and I want the PvE.

Now, Anthem may fail for a myriad of reasons, but I had no interest on The Division while I do like Anthem, they are, in my mind, different games.

Now, between Anthem and Destiny 2…. close call.

Anthem is 3rd person (a plus or a minus depending of the person), has jetpacks (yay) and an open world.

Destiny 2 is 1st person with the whole «right click to scope» mechanic I loathe and since it's a sequel Bungie probably know now what to do and to do not.

My mind says Destiny 2 will be the superior game, because experience matters but my heart think Anthem looks cooler because I like jetpacks and hate scoping.

Nerf Now!! 2095

After reading how beefy Xcom2 expansion is, I'm again happy to be part of the master race.

Mario and Rabbids is still nice and all, but I question how deep the strategy will be with just 3 characters. Xcom don't feel like Xcom until you have a full squad of 6, with the starting 4 feeling a bit bare bones. 3 is… very little.

Xcom2 is getting so many things… soldier friendship bonuses, missions modifiers, new enemies, new weapons, new factions, new maps…

I'm not one to buy games on launch, but I'll pre-order Xcom because there is no way I'm not playing it at launch, bugs and all.

Nerf Now!! 2096

I wanted to delay the Metroid comic a bit, talk about other E3 games but people keep asking for it so may as well do it now. I'll not talk much about today's strip thou else I'd spoil something.

For now, enjoy. :)

Nerf Now!! 2097

Sa.. i mean, ZAMUS saga continues.

I'm curious about how good the new Metroid games will be. Return of Samus for Gameboy gameplay is super dated for today's standards so a gameplay remake is necessary, and Metroid Prime 4 need to deal with being an FPS on the Switch, with all the controller shenanigans included. I heard lots of controversy about the Prime series controls and I want to see how Nintendo will deal with it.

Nerf Now!! 2098

The original version of this strip had Samus all depressed about the consequences of being again on the limelight and Angie scolding Tentajo for his lack of tact but I don't think Samus would be too concerned about dirty pics of her floating around. Sure, she may not be thrilled about it but I don't think she would lose sleep.

While the idea of her being embarassed is funnier and someone misfortune is the basis of comedy, I feel it would be perhaps out of character of her, plus I feel I mocked her enough already.

Good luck Samus, I hope your new games is great even though the chances of me playing it are slim.

Nerf Now!! 2099

This is no joke, I had this comic idea about the radio silence from TF2 devs and BOOM… blog update.

I may still do it anyway, but I had to make this comic first and slightly change the joke to make it work now.

Anyway, looks like there is still hope for TF2.

Nerf Now!! 2100

When TF2 got it's second wind with new hats, payload maps and class updates, the console peas… players asked if they would get it too, from what they heard a «yes».

As we all know, this was not meant to be. There are several reasons for that though, at least for the Xbox version.

- Microsoft charged $ for updates, this means every time Valve wanted to add maps, class updates or hats, they would need to pay Microsoft some.

- There is a limit of how big a update can be, and TF2 surely broke it limit long ago

- TF2 popularity on Xbox was not that big, making the effort to invest on it not profitable.

Now, I'm sure Valve could ask Benjamim to talk with Microsoft on their behalf and update TF2 on a loss just to keep their word but I feel they got fed up with the Xbox Live atmosphere, it was lots of effort for minimal rewards and they decided to cut their losses and just abandon TF2 console to their own luck.

By the way, looks like Playsation version of TF2 had it's own share of trouble, mostly based on the company who did the port so things weren't much better on Sony side either.

Still, all this said and done, they still promissed and not delivered, so if the Pyro update turn into something which is just too bothersome to do, it may just not be made. Luckily, it seen it's simple enough it will be done anyway.

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