RU / Nerf-now 2431 - 2440 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2431
Magic Arena isn't the 1st attempt from Wizards of the Coast at making an online card game, before this we had aptly named Magic The Gathering Online.
The game… well, we can say it works, and it manage to reproduce the card game experience… if in a clunkier way.
The advantages are you have access to far more cards there (Arena only have the most recent expansions) and you can sell your collection and regain some of the money you lost in this expensive hobby, just like the paper card game.
Though I always say if you are jumping on a hobby already thinking on the way out perhaps this is not the hobby for you.
Slightly unrelated but I always wonder how much people regain from selling their collection. Id be surprised if you get as much as 50% of your money back.
Nerf Now!! 2432
Magic will forever haunt me as way for nerds to quickly burn their money.
I guess if you just directly buy the cards and copy tried-and-true meta decks you can stay in the hobby without spending much.
This all said, I know you wont go broke by playing Magic and I could probably have a multiple decks full of rares if I really wanted.
Its not Ferrari expensive, its just unwise expensive.
Nerf Now!! 2433
Jokes aside, here is my review of your current options in the collectible card game category. Im skipping the very god Slay The Spire because while its a card game its a deck building card game, not a collectible one.
Elder Scrolls Legends – The game kind flopped so I don't think its worth your time. I also think the Elder Scrolls make up for a pretty generic setting.
Hearthstone – Probably the cheapest option as far as card games go, however if you are a new player expect to play cheap agro decks for a long time until you collect enough dust to craft anything more complex. Current expansion and client sucks by the way.
Magic The Gathering Arena – It's Magic, its online and to my surprise, it works. However, its expensive and its still on beta lacking basic features like a friend list to challenge your friends.
Artifact - I haven't played it but from what I heard will be even more expensive than Magic (no freebies at all) which doesnt sound good to my ears. Still. its Valve so the production quality may be over the roof.
Gwent - Probably have the best single player content with Thronebreaker. The opinions about the multiplayer aspect are mixed though.
Conclusion: Hearthstone if you are stingy, Gwent if you want single player, Magic overall, Elder Scrolls if you are a fucking hipster and Artifact if you want to believe.
Nerf Now!! 2434
For what it is worth, I read the missing features are not game-breaking and you can still reach lvl 9999+ and beyond on the PC version.
This said, the console versions do have those extra features so if you really want 100% of your game you may want to go for that and if I know Disgaea fans they really like their extra %.
Nerf Now!! 2435
Sorry for the late comic, been busy with stuff, got tired, a tiny bit of sickness, it all piled up but hey, here we are.
Tropes aside, what is the reason for the kidnapping? On Odyssey there is the marriage plot but I think this was specific of that game… does he want a ransom? Overthrow the kingdom? Or maybe infect her xenomorph style and have her produce his offspring?
We'll never know…
Nerf Now!! 2436
Bought 10 more games on this sale because at this point, what is more stuff on the backlog? Does being buried under 10 ton of games is any worse than being buried under 5 tons?
The problem as always is I refuse to start a new game until I finish one of my old ones… a vicious cycle which make me only play Overthrow since its short and sweet.
Nerf Now!! 2437
Lets ignore all the issues Fallout 76 may have for now to focus on just one single thing, the graphics.
When Fallout 3 was launched the game already looked dated and more than one person pointed how ugly the game was. Some fans dismissed it saying thats how Elder Scrolls game always looked, almost like a badge of honor.
Still, I dont think anyone praised the game for its graphics and now we have the same graphics 10 years late on a triple-A game? I felt like I was looking straight into an Xbox 360 game, an ugly one to boot.
My theory: Bethesda wanted to jump on the survival genre when it was popular and decided to make 76, several years the genre is not that popular anymore and they decide to release the game anyway to at least recoup some of the cost of making it.
Nerf Now!! 2439
I dont think Bethesda games are THAT buggy, or at least not buggy to the point of unplayability like Witcher loading times at launch but they are buggy nonetheless and more important, they are regularly buggy.
Maybe its some issue with the engine itself, or the size of the game, or just bad programming but Bethesda and bugs go hand-in-hand like Radroaches and nuclear fallout.