AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0421 - 0430 (H)

Gun Show

This is a comic that Omnithea wrote. It is about muscles.


Monumental Failure

This is a comic about architecture, probably.


To the Victim Go the Spoilers

It's the return of the Bioshock Sweater Man! You know the guy. Old Sweaty, we call him.

I'm hard of hearing, which means I'm the kind of person who goes into the Options menu before starting a game or DVD or whatever and goes directly for the subtitles toggle before doing anything else. YOU MIGHT THINK that as a culture that's had spoken word-captioning technology for a few decades we'd be good at it by now, but you'd be really surprised!

Naturally it's difficult to convey spoken delivery and timing through text during a cinematic scene, but dropping a paragraph of text on you is probably the worst way to not do it. In a perfect world, I'm pretty sure we would only be given one clause at a time, it would appear on-screen while that clause was actually being spoken, and it would never end with «(death gurgle)».


Heavy Lifting

Fallout 2 is a game where you often have the opportunity to sell junk to people and then immediately steal your junk back, but it's also a game where everyone has a finite amount of money at any given time, but it's ALSO a game where you can carry a limited amount of items. These factors combine into a game where I'm carrying all the money in the world and all the expensive things in the world and I can't get rid of either.

On a completely unrelated note: if you like videogames, it is my recommendation that you play Undertale, an extremely good game made by an extremely small dog. I think it's definitely one of the best and funniest things I've played all year and I would like you to experience it too. OKAY THANKS


Scrounging for Lounging

This is a comic about a chair.


24-Hour Comic 2015

Happy 24-Hour Comic Day, friends and foes!! I spent my day looking at animals and videogames and, briefly, even other human beings. A true variety of shapes and sounds to delight most anyone.


Cheap Shot

It's one thing for a game to give you ammo as sparsely as the Last of Us does. It's another thing entirely for the game to then cap the amount of ammo you can carry to roughly One Handful, so you have to simultaneously feel like you don't have enough shots to survive while passing over supplies on the ground because your inventory is full.


Cold Feet

Samus should know that ice is always extremely slippery and not at all a good material to make tiny platforms out of. This is what they teach you in videogame kindergarten, come on.


Blending In

To celebrate Phantom Pain (read: realize I don't know what the plot of MGS is anymore), I've been replaying all the Metal Gear games in chronological order. I hope you're excited for six months of nothing but comics about METAL GEARRRRR


A Sound Theory

If you're not in the know, echolocation is specifically the sonar-like phenomenon of bouncing soundwaves off of one's surroundings and using their reflections' return speed to figure out what's around them. Clickers' ability to find prey should have nothing to do with how loud it is, only how corporeal and human-shaped.

I know it's nitpicky, but the fact that everyone in the game refers to it specifically as «echolocation» suggests to me that nobody understands that word. Clearly the post-apocalypse education system has failed along with the rest of society.

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