AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0221 - 0230 (H)


This is another comic idea pulled up from my notes from several years ago, put aside because I liked the concept but couldn't actually think of a way to frame the joke. Ocarina of Time will NEVER STOP BEING HILARIOUS.

Wait what I meant to say was that this is an Ocarina of Time 3D comic, and that I am relevant and making comics about Current Events.


Comic Con Comics 2011

LAST SUNDAY I could not post a comic because my power was out for the week! I'm not even sure if my house has Internet yet, which is why I'm posting THIS comic NOW while somewhere else and not later tonight.

These are just some things that I drew during New York Comic Con last month. I'm kind of really behind on comic-drawing (and being unable to work for a week doesn't help) so today you get FILLER.

Speaking of not being able to keep up with drawing comics, Aikonia has reached its Kickstarter goal and we'll be printing a book of the first chapter! OH GOODNESS ME. Thank you to everybody who contributed!


Buck Up

Miranda Lawson is a likable, well-developed and multi-dimensioned character who is definitely not the worst person I have ever met.

And there is nothing funny about that.



I bought Hotel Dusk for about six dollars this summer. I thought it was alright, even if some of the puzzle solutions were completely nonsensical. I can't decide if that's a terrible demerit or just a tradition of «USE X ON Y» point-and-click games, where X is a pen and Y is a bag of flour.



Listen, Dragon Age, I don't care if I'm being healed. I can see several gallons of my own blood on the other side of the room.

I have been playing a lot of Zelda! It is PRETTY GOOD. My comic buffer is about four weeks ahead of me, so expect Zelda comics next month. Normally I'm glad to have comics done ahead of time, and then twice a year I'll actually buy a new game and want to make comics about it, but now I have to be paranoid that SOMEONE ELSE will make all the easy jokes before I can!!



I realize that games like the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series are infinitely complex in their physics and AI, where a million entities are on screen at once and all interacting with eachother, and it's pretty cool what the games can accomplish with it. But I am still going to get frustrated and yell at my computer when the corpse I was going to loot flies across a canyon because my dog stepped on it wrong.
I'm willing to let the AI problems I've encountered slide when I can, but sometimes my immersion is irreparably damaged.


Junk Feud

At some point during this past summer, Norrin and I decided that we were going to attempt the first baby steps from a completely sedentary and oversalted lifestyle to one that was less likely to end at age forty-five. We started eating a little better and even went walking every morning (the plan was to escalate to running, but not until a time when it wouldn't cause our hearts to explode (BABY STEPS)).
Then I spent a semester in Connecticut and, neither of us having someone around to judge him, we both completely stopped and went back to being awful and unhealthy people. OH WELL.


What Happens

New Vegas takes the post-apocalypse in a weird direction. It's kind of like Mad Max, except all the gangs are weird LARPers. I spent about fifteen minutes in the city proper before deciding I'd rather be outside getting mauled by mutant animals in the desert instead.

Did you know that you can now get a super-warm ENTEI HOODIE? I did.


The Sky's The Limit

When you get introduced to the game, it seems really, really cool to have a giant pet bird to fly around on. Then you actually start flying around, and you realize that the only place really worth flying to is the one you started at because there is nothing else out there. Link has an excuse to go to the desolate corners of everywhere because he is on an ADVENTURE, but the average citizen doesn't have much reason to leave home.


I Can Seethe Clearly Now

Welcome to a dark world where I forgot to put the right date on several comics.

I bought a car a few months ago when I started my internship, and it helped me find out that I've been nearsighted for years (a clue was that I couldn't read any roadsigns, at all, anywhere). So I got some driving glasses. Part of me didn't want to wear them because I've always interpreted glasses as a facial feature, and I didn't want to change my face. My dad wore the same big round glasses for the first fifteen years of my life, and when he came home one day with thin rectangular frames I kept asking myself why he was squinting all the time.

The point is I've always really dreaded having to draw glasses, since it's hard to balance between them getting completely lost in the face or blocking out the expression entirely.

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