Awkward-zombie 0211 - 0220 (H)

Carry On

I think, by now, it has been established that I play videogames less to defeat Bad Guys and more to sell garbage for currency I refuse to spend. Is it worth it? Yes.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Mass Explanation

I guess when you write a scifi thing that completely changes the way the universe works you start to work it into a lot of your plot holes.
Before someone writes me an angry email, I think the actual explanation for everyone speaking the same language is a «universal translator» that everybody has, is never shown, and comes up I think twice in total during the course of Mass Effect 1 and 2 together, both in optional conversations. It also translates the hanar language (which is bioluminescence), which still counts as magic as far as I care.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Tools of the Trade

Hurricane Irene punched my Internet out! But we're good now.

I moved to Connecticut this weekend for a co-op job for the fall semester. It's a position with a NASA contractor company! PRETTY NEAT. My comic-drawing hours might get a little rocky for a bit, but I have a buffer again anyway so it shouldn't affect your Comic-Reading Experience for either AZ or Aikonia. Maybe the comic that gets put up five weeks from now will be kind of crappy but that's about it.


Time Trials

It's pretty convenient that, despite every species coming from different planets with different orbital periods, the standard Council year is the same as Earth's, the galactic underdog nobody likes. That's so nice of everybody else in the universe!

IN OTHER NEWS, next month I'll be a guest at the mysterious and new Webcomics Con! It's in Norwalk, CT for October first and second. You should probably be there?? I KNOW I WILL

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Dime Heals All Wounds

Cerberus what are you even going to do with all these boxes of batteries.

Did you know that Aikonia now has a KICKSTARTER? The goal is to raise enough to print a book of the first chapter. That's exciting! You should put some money in there!


Strike One

Professor Layton refuses to do anything unless it's roundabout, elaborate and involves as many matchsticks as possible.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Rail Bail

Norrin wrote this comic! You would think passengers could put up with Link neglecting to toot the whistle every time an arbitrary sign says to, considering he's got the only train on the continent. But, uh, swimming is healthy too.

Hey Awkward Zombie turned five years old last week! THEY GROW UP SO FAST.

A REMINDER that I'll be at Webcomics Con in Connecticut next weekend! You should go there and high-five me and then go home satisfied.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


24-Hour Comic 2011

Okay, technically 24-Hour Comic Day was Saturday, and technically it's supposed to be twenty-four hours. BUT WE DON'T PLAY BY THE RULES HERE. Because here we forget what day it is.

Thanks a lot to everyone who came out to Webcomics Con! It was lots of fun and we had a great time. A special thanks to Medley Soup, who occupied the table next to us and who valiantly gave our unprepared faces a spare tablecloth and were generally nice neighbors. EVERYBODY ELSE WAS GREAT TOO

And if you had forgotten, Aikonia has a Kickstarter! What are you going to do about it??


Return To Sender

Last time I did a Fallout comic, I got a lot of responses from other packrats about their strategies for carrying six hundred pounds of empty bottles around. Between kicking mailboxes and corpses with infinite storage space across the wasteland and shooting vendor junk into the distance with the Rock-It Launcher it's like they wanted us to be crazy.

In EXCITING NEWS TIMES, I'll be at New York Comic Con briefly next weekend! You can find me lurking about the Halolz booth from around two to around four on Saturday and Sunday. Will you be there? Will you give me a high-five?? Only time will tell

AND ALSO, check out the masterpiece that was rendered unto me at Webcomics Con last week. I weep a single tear every time I look at it.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Bugging Out

As I was drawing this comic, a fly had been going around the room for hours, landing on my head and flying away whenever I tried to swat at it. This comic was created with a unique amount of sincerity. It's also incredibly silly.

Thank you to everybody who stopped by for NYCC! The number of high-fives I received was satisfactory. I hope to see you again…NEXT YEAR.

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