AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0041 - 0050 (D)

Phantom Limb

Sorry for filler, I haven't been around to draw anything.
So. Boo is a playable character in Mario Strikers Charged.
Boo, the ghost with no legs.
Playing soccer.



Today's comic brought to you by our own dear Kryzm!
And that's basically it. I can't draw fire. Add fire to the list of things I can't draw.



Based on near-true events! AREN'T MY PARENTS WACKY!
And we never did find out.
Yeah it's not that funny. That's why I don't do comics about my life. WHO DO I THINK I AM, SCOTT KURTZ?
But it was a decent enough excuse to try and learn how to draw a cars, even though I gave up around the fifth panel.
Speaking of a cars, your puny planet is no match for our a car!
Look at that car. It is gigantic; my illustration does not even do it justice. I am learning to drive with that car, and I am short, and I can barely see over the steering wheel.


To Dodge a Doppelganger

«Now, now; perfectly symmetrical violence never solves anything.»
This was another idea I had a couple of years ago that never made it to paper/computer magic for obvious reasons. Pretty clear I have a hard time doing this comic in the summer, isn't it!
And the last panel is somewhat useless now that I look at it OH WELL.
Ho ho nobody likes Ruto.


Blue Note

So I finally have a Guitar Hero II disc to call my very own, and I can safely say I'll never get any work done ever again.
Any comprehendible work, atleast. I realize the joke is nigh impossible to follow here and I apologize with all my heart and a half. There's always next week…

And I've just been great with continuity these last few weeks, haven't I?
First a car smashes into a rail but is by some fantastic force reoriented by the next panel, then Link and his shady cohort gain the ability to drop and pick up weaponry at speeds not perceivable by man, and now Clicky McGrayshirt is whining about playing bass when it's clearly a face-off game. Just think of these comics as a stern warning of what not to do when you draw a comic.
Behold my inability to draw a matching pair of shoes!


Fish Styx

Boy, Link sure likes to fish, huh? Yeah. Fishing. Awesome.
You really can catch those fishmonster fish in Twilight Princess, though, which is…
distressing, to say the least.
So Corruption is out and is pretty great; most people will tell you it's the Wii's best game so far. So, yeah, more about that later.


A Visor Unwiser

So, like I said, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is awesome to the max. The controls are smooth, the graphics are polished, and, unlike previous Metroid games, you actually have a sense of being part of an organization – you're still exploring the levels and shooting stuff by yourself, but you do get to rendezvous with the Galactic Federation every now and then – there's plot and character interaction beyond what's described in the instruction manual. It's different from the usual Metroid formula (wherein you get some sort of mission brief from the opening cutscene, drop to a planet's surface, and then shoot stuff until you beat the game), but it's pulled off well.
Gameplay mechanics from the previous Prime games have also been cleaned up; in particular, walljumping and the X-Ray Visor are much less painful this time around. Being able to walk and shoot at the same time is also a useful addition.
Ofcourse, the first thing I did when I acquired the aforementioned visor was stare at Samus's hand for like five minutes. Walking around with her skeletalized cannon arm always in view is cool.
…After a while, though, that much concentrated X-ray radiation can't be good for you.

Also, Varn kindof sortof helped come up with this in an abstract sort of way. Sortof.
Also, rrrgh drrfff hamfisted robots and spandex. There is no way for me to draw Samus comfortably. Also, I still love Space Pirates, if anyone had doubted it for one second.


Still Beats Walking

What? A WoWcraft joke? Unheard of.
I don't play it, myself, but I've got a friend who does and I've watched from over his shoulder. At one point I saw him obtain a «Carrot On A Stick» sort of item, which was supposed to boost a mount's speed. Makes enough sense, except that most of the steeds you'd find in Warcraft don't seem like they'd really care for that sort of thing. Maybe a Dead Calf On A Stick would work better.
Okay bad comic is bad.


Kourtal Kombat

Blame Varn for this again I guess.
Of all the shenanigans that go on in this game's court, von Karma's continuous and unchecked abuse is the oddest. She probably gets away with it because she'd mangle the judge if he tried to intervene.
(Ha ha I gave Franziska some crazy pseudo-Sniper Wolf accent.)
And now you all know my utter contempt for perspective and parallel lines, and coherent backgrounds for that matter. These characters just live in a plane of abstract brown boxes; what are you going to do about it?!


It's All They Live For

I will tell you right now that Phantom Hourglass is a fantastic game. It manages to pack the spirit of WindWaker into a teeny DS package, and it's a worthy sequel. Also, Linebeck is the best character forever.
As always, a decrepit old man teaches you how to use a sword in the beginning of the game. It seems a bit redundant at this point, though, but I don't suppose decrepit old people have anything better to do than harass children.
Cel-Link and Roy are locked in a fierce battle to claim the title of Most Horrible Gremlin.

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