EN / Freefall 0841 - 0850 (H)
Freefall 0843

Let's walk back to the ship, Helix. No more running. I'm pooped!
Good idea. Why run? We've been gone so long, Florence has probably already taken off to deliver the satellites herself.
А ведь он вроде как “уставший”. Помнится, в фильме “Люди в чёрном” агента Джея взяли в Бюро из-за способности умотать в гонке точно такого же алиена-цефалопода. Правда, в человеческом обличье, а не в скафандре (Robot Spike)
Freefall 0844

Satellites are secured and talking. Pre-flight checks are done. My space suit has been inspected and stowed in the cargo bay air lock.
Now I should either call Winston and set something up for dinner, or double check the ship. I'll flip a coin. Heads, I call Winston. Tails, I check the ship.
Of course, If I really wanted an even chance here, I wouldn't be using one of Sam's coins.
Freefall 0845
Calling Winston

I hope Winston added me to his call filter. This could take some time if he didn't.
Automatic filtering really became popular in the 21st century United States of America, where their telespammers had gotten out of control. Actually, that entire country was a bit out of control, attacking any other country that even looked at them funny. Both very annoying things that usually happened right at dinnertime.
This led directly to the creation of the United States “Do not call” list and the United Nations “Do not invade” list.
Freefall 0848

Florence! Hi! How are you? You're looking better.
How's the leg? Is is giving you any pain? Are you eating? Did you remember to drink lots of water?
You're still looking pale. Maybe some iron pills…
It always takes veterinarians just a little bit longer to realize the dog they're talking to might want to join the conversation as well.
Freefall 0849

I'm asking too much at once. Let me put this fish away and start over. First, are you eating?
Hi, Winston. Yes, I'm eating. I wasn't prepared for how strong the first hunger pains would be, but it's under control now.
You didn't eat Sam, did you? I kind of promised him you wouldn't.
Sam is fine. While it may seem counter intuitive, dismembering your employer can actually prevent you from collecting severance pay.
Good job tip. I'll have to remember that at my next performance review.