Freefall 0401 - 0410 (H)
Freefall 0401
Sam the card flounder
Freefall 0402
Sam the card flounder

I can't believe Sam manipulated us so easily. Poor Florence. She doesn't stand a chance.
We owe her a debt. Perhaps we can repay it by shifting the odds in her favor.
Not many people would risk themselves for a robot. We can pass the word through our community that this is a person to watch out for, and to help where we can.
Wouldn't it be better to do something for her with a higher chance of success? Like buying her a lottery ticket? From last year's lottery?
Now, now. Let's see if this works before buying our cynicism upgrades.
Freefall 0403
Freefall 0404
Sam the card flounder
Freefall 0405
Sam the card flounder

Two A.M. It's a new day. Wuff. I thought yesterday was never going to end.
I know a day is just 24 hours, but that one felt like it took a year and 37 weeks to get through.
Ровно столько времени в нашей реальности занял выход этого самого внутреннего дня комикса. Внутрикомиксовая шутка
Freefall 0406
Sam the card flounder
Freefall 0407
Freefall 0408
Freefall 0409
Freefall 0410
Sam the card flounder