Freefall 0481 - 0490 (D)
Freefall 0481
Sam to the rescue!
Freefall 0482
Freefall 0483
Sam to the rescue!
Freefall 0484
Sam to the rescue!

Sam, I want you and Winston to like each other. So please be on your best behavior.
This is going to be easy. All I have to do to drive a wedge between these two is be rude, crude, and socially unacceptable.
Also please remember that you don't have to be conscious to make a good first impression.
This sounds like a good time to form plan B.
Freefall 0485
Sam to the rescue!

Hi, Winston. My captain arrived. I hope you don't mind his coming inside.
Hey, no problem.
So you're Sam. Florence has said a lot about you. That's amazing, flying through a hurricane in a partially functional spaceship to rescue three people. You're a real hero.
I can see why Florence likes this guy. He's the most perceptive human I've ever met.
Флоренс и Винстон, по идее, друзья, я переключаюсь в обращениях Флоренс с “вы” на “ты”
Freefall 0486
Freefall 0487
Sam to the rescue!

I'll be right back. I need to put Beekay into the Bedroom.
You don't learn, do you?
How many times am I going to have to tell you? We don't bite alien visitors from another planet!
Из слов Винстона есть подозрение, что Бикей уже пробовал Сэма на зуб прежде (Robot Spike)
Freefall 0488
Freefall 0489
Sam to the rescue!

It's nice that you've met someone you like, but how much do you really know about him?
He seems nice enough, but do we really know what he's like deep down? Heck, he might even be the type who thinks women should be kept barefoot and…
Florence, where are your shoes?
Barefoot and pregnant (как вариант “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”) – американская идиома, означающая консервативно-патриархальные взгляды на женщину, согласно которым она должна быть “босой и беременной”, то есть не работать вне дома и иметь много детей. (Veki)
Freefall 0490
Sam to the rescue!