Freefall 2319
What's it take to get arrested in this town?
Can we talk privately now?
I would like the chief to be there.
As a human in a Bowman's architecture mobility rig, he may be the best person to understand all sides of our situation.
I've never had a policeman at one of my meetings for his decision making skills before.
If more people would seek our wisdom before making a decision, there would be fewer people we would have to seek afterwards.
Color by George Peterson
Police Chief -a disabled man with no arms or legs who uses Eleanor's intelligent mobility device. Police Robots -a later development based on it. Mark Stanley does not explain whether it is a telepresence device or an exoskeleton. Florence first learns about it on the page Freefall 1798. All of the próflicas -in the discussion of the comic on the Cross Time Cafe forum, I don't remember the specific links. (KALDYH)