Nerf-now 2301 - 2310 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2301

Sorry for the late comic, I had to meet some people, do some passport stuff in the bank and on top of that there is a sharp pain inside my ear, like there is a stone inside it.

Still, the show can't stop so I'll try to put an comic this sunday.

Cya guys!

Nerf Now!! 2302

Like I promissed, here is the sunday update.

With this out of the way, let me rant a bit about Destiny 2… I know, I know, kicking the dead horse but bear with me.

So, Destiny 2 have grenades, and they come in different flavors, there is the void grenade, the solar grenade, the arc grenade and they behave slightly different but honestly if you saw one you saw all, its a throwy thingie who goes blow up enemies.

The same can be said of the jumps, the overall mobility of the 3 classes is the same and all places are reachable for the 3 classes. It's not like TF2 which different classes could reach different places.

In a game where all 3 classes can use all weapons you think they would use unique stuff like grenades and stuff to help make the classes unique but nope., which leads to the point I want to reach.

Ignoring all the other problems, Destiny 2 is a game with a single class. I never played Hunter and I assure you I could pick it and play it like I play my Warlock if I gave him the same weapons, the sole difference being their ultimates.

Why Bungie decided to basically make the game have just one class I don't know. Perhaps to simplify the content production? If you have one class you don't need to worry about the one of them being too weak or too strong and all content is beatable to all. I want to say it's lazy but I think the correct term would be «safe». Destiny 2 is a incredibly «safe» game in terms of design. No weapon is too good, no class is too strong, no ability is too powerful and this made it very boring very fast.

And perhaps that's why it failed.

Nerf Now!! 2303

There was drama this week on Overwatch League and IT WAS NOT ON DALLAS FUEL.

But given the «drama» was some player from Boston Uprising doing sexual advances on a minor I guess this one alone took the cake. He was first suspended until further notice and the last news is he's been terminated.

From e-sports star with a 50k figure to a sex offender. Talk about a fall from grace.

Nerf Now!! 2304

Don't mind me, just taking the fanservice for a walk.

On good news I finally found a nice place to buy, on bad news I'm unsure if I'll have enough money to buy it. Adult life sure is harsh sometimes.

Nerf Now!! 2305

Nothing interesting happened today so I don't have anything to write here.

On the house buying side I'm still to get word from my bank so… fingers crossed I guess.

Nerf Now!! 2306

Looks like I may be able to buy the place I was checking but this also means I won't be able to move abroad.

A risky life of adventure on a distant land or the shackles of comfort in the evil you know.

Those are one of the crossroads which pretty much will define the rest of your life. I hope I make a good decision.

Nerf Now!! 2307

Now, I don't want people to flood my Patreon expecting bukkake or triple penetration on poor Morgan, but I may put something extra with her there this month. Just don't expect anything explicit okay? It's not I'm beyond that, it's just I don't have anything prepared and I usually don't draw smut and I don't want the pressure.

I'm selling out a bit? Maaaaaybe, but I am going to have a mortage to pay and I need the moonies.

Nerf Now!! 2308

For those who are still confused, this video may help.

About the costume DLC itself, I think it's better than the vanilla game because it's there is no backtracking. You play the stages in order and each different DLC has some unique mechanic making for a more unique experience.

However, if you already played the vanilla game you may be like me and already be sick of the stages but I'm specially intolerant to repeated content so your mileage my vary.

Still doing the whole house thing so this week will be hectic, wish me luck.

Nerf Now!! 2309

I like ninja and I like Shantae but those two doesn't necessarily translate into a joke.

Still, I wanted to draw ninja Shantae so I was going to draw ninja Shantae, thus today's strip.

Nerf Now!! 2310

I think the meteor may had been just Epic trying to pimp the skybox with some blinking lights but now people expect the 2nd coming of Christ so I won't doubt they'll make SOMETHING even if this was not their original plan.

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