Nerf Now!! 2291 - 2300 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2291

I started thinking in putting Morgan there but later decided I wanted more swimsuit (Morgan would be wearing a diving suit) so I changed to Anne but people always complain about lack of Alek so I decided to use her instead.

The one piece was mostly a whim. In my mind 2-pieces aren't comfortable for someone with big boobies but I may be totally wrong on this one.

On, and about Sea of Thieves… the game looks kind of barebones but the devs were pretty smart in giving popular streamers free keys so at launch the game was pretty hyped and I'm sure mora than one person saw a streamer having fun on the first hours in the game and decided to dive in only to find later what he saw at the stream was pretty much all the game had to offer.

I don't even think the streamers were shilling, the first hours of the game is fun and streamers are pro at «having a good time» specially when playing with friends. It just after few hours everybody got bored of it but and silently move on.

Nerf Now!! 2292

I may buy Fortnite just to have a good subject to make comics about.

I could say the same about PUBG but honestly I really dislike pretty much everything about it from the art to gameplay passing by inventory and hackers.

This said I think both games are fine. It's more about me not enjoying PUBG quirks than the game being plain bad.

Except the hacker part, I think this is a big flaw which Bluehole should fix ASAP.

Nerf Now!! 2293

The whole exercise thing really took a toll on my drawing time… I obviously need to manage my time now which I lose some extra hours doing healthy stuff.

On the realm of good news at least Fortnite Battle Royale is free this means I won't need to pay for something I'm not sure I'll enjoy.

If I get one good strip of it I'll be happy.

Nerf Now!! 2294

Comic is late and I'm not feeling too hot so I'll keep the rant short.

Been reading a lot of isekais lately and sometimes it's pretty blatant some authors lack a bit of real life experience outside games. This and they look a lot like wish fulfiment. Still fun to read thou.

Nerf Now!! 2295

I'm sure Techies is being held back not because of balance but simply because Icefrog don't want matches going too long.

The nightmare scenery here is a team picking Techies on a best of five and having every match going 90 minutes or more, which fuck up schedule and rise costs across the board.

And since most people hate Techies anyway not having him is no big loss. I believe if he is added back he may lose his stalling potential, perhaps with mines having a far shorter duration on the map or a limit of how many you can have out.

Nerf Now!! 2296

While Geguri joining the League is big news, right now the only hook I have is her being the first girl there. As she been a guy she would just be another chinese player a struggling team.

If I focus on the girl status I may end up being sexist but if I ignore it I have little to write about. However, the situation itself is worth a strip so here we are.

Mind you, most players are not that interesting to write about. You need to baffle a lot of people to reach EternalEnvy status and even Sumail had to play for 1 year before reaching the prodigy status.

Still, if her team manage to get its first victory after she joins this alone may be comic material so I'll keep an eye on that.

I may do a strip on my Patreon about the kind of comic which I believe may give me trouble so you guys can have an idea of what I'm talking about.

To close, after I read how tight are the rules around the players on the League I think xQc may not had lost much.

Nerf Now!! 2297

The best way to make April's Fools joke those days is going meta about it.

Thou I may have been too obvious there, I mean… a guy in Nerf NOW!!? Nobody would believe it.

Nerf Now!! 2298

I put the guy (temporary name Brian) there as a joke but I know some people out there want to see a male face in the comic so I may as well do a little pool to see what people think.

Mind you, as the cast grow bigger every character get less space so sometimes less is more.

This said, lets see the what you guys think here.

Nerf Now!! 2299


I decided to pre-order the new Hearthstone expansion. It's a good bang for your buck but I think overall the card power level is pretty low. I don't see me buying any more packs outside fo the ones in the bundle because I just don't see any cards worth the it.

I expect most future decks to be mostly made of cards from the previous sets and depending of the class, absolute none.

Nerf Now!! 2300

Jane is too much of a hardcore to play Mario Party. It doesn't help she always lose at it.

I like it for the novelty of playing with all Mario characters in a different setting but I feel they are kind of low quality, specially for a Nintendo game.

I don't follow much Dota 2 anymore but Virtus Pro run on Dota Asian Championship been fun. I hope they win.

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