Furry Guys 0041 - 0050 (H)
Furry Guys 0041

Issue О подкроватных монстрах


…These are the entities of “pet ghosts” class…

And what ghost lived in your house?

Furry Guys 0042

Обложка, 2 глава



* On the cover are exorcists flashed in the first chapter - Diamond Ashley (“Jeweler”) and John Arlem (“Bonebreaker”). Here's a bunch of two “tanks”. ;)

Furry Guys 0043

Issue 2-1


DON'T HANG BY THE PHONE ANYMORE, TALKER IS A GODSEND FOR A SPY, NO MORE It's boredom. All the work has stopped because of this stapel demon. Ness promised the caster a week later, and the second one ended. Maybe I'd call to department?

Furry Guys 0044

Issue 2-2


Hello, Tim! How are we doing there with the assembly? Do not play the fool. We are walkin, lay out bolts by the alphabet. Is everything so bad? And even worse. Another problem besides the demon. So the hwargs began to fly in the 220th shop - quite brutalized. As if there was no one can smother them. Really? But did you hear about the new exorcist? No, don't know. Okay, we went to dinner. Bon appetit. Call letter. KHGHSHA! HSS! So, crack it with a stick! What as a baby?! HSSS! RIMME

Ъуъ, сЪука!

Furry Guys 0045
Furry Guys 0046

Issue 2-3


…So, send the 203th rib for finalisation, the rest can be presented to the military. In the remaining passports I will sign in the afternoon. Warning! Flying hwargs! But Alex! No, I have no time! I'm going to go crazy with this project. Don't forget about the report. What?… BEWARE!

Furry Guys 0047
Furry Guys 0048
Furry Guys 0049

Issue 2-6


Something like that… Damn сool… cut down the demon… with tape measure?… It's yours? Oh, yes So, wait… Are you our new exorcist? Wow… Yeah, second day working here.

Furry Guys 0050

Issue 2-7


Alex Houston! Tammy Hunter. Dan will be shocked! I have so many questions to you, but too many work. Tammi, when do you go for lunch? But I'm not yet… Let's go with us at 12:00? At the same time I will show our dining room! Em… Well… Okay. Oh, It seems the hwarg comes to life! Oops! Fmbr… ghrrr… Okay, see you later! Meet at the main entrance at noon! Deal!

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