Furry Guys 0031 - 0040 (H)
Furry Guys 0031

Issue 1-30


But we just… Mr. Ness, have you already heard that Allem is resigning? Seriously? Wow. But I thought that someone else, but he would stay longer. Em, Mister Ness… What? Maybe you… Will help with the search for a new exorcist? But the UR-department is for beauty? Hey! But you have so many friends in different instances… Heh, it is. Let's get a look.

…А отдел подготовки персонала вообще наспор сделали!

Furry Guys 0032

About some creatures


Все-таки сделаю небольшое отступление-вставку, чтобы начально объяснить пару моментов:

Помимо Урсов (это самоназвание народа «пушистиков») и различных животных, птиц и растительности, в этом мире немало других созданий, не подходящих под эти категории. В общем и целом их можно назвать «сущностями», и основные их разновидности таковы (рисунки просто для примеров):

  1. Демоны - различные существа, пришедшие (по своей или чужой воле) из соседствующего инфернального мира.
  2. Сущности-механизмы – создания, являющие собой нечто на стыке техники и живого существа, как правило, имеют какую-то практическую функцию и специфичные особенности «эксплуатации».
  3. «Домашние призраки» -существа, появляющиеся в различных обиталищах и так или иначе связанные со своими хозяевами.
  4. Энергопаразиты и производные чувств и эмоций – то, что может появиться от любых достаточно сильных всплесков энергии живых разумных существ. Видимы только для экзорцистов.
  5. Примитивные сущности и «ожившие предметы» - простейшие неразумные существа, в большинстве являющиеся кормом для других, более сильных сущностей или же используемые для незначительной «работы» вроде сбора мелкого мусора или отлова мух.
  6. Сущности-полипы –нечто вроде безвредных энергетических растений, накапливающих спонтанную информацию. Видимы только для экзорцистов.

Still will make a small digression-box to initial to explain a few things:
in Addition to Hungry (it's self-people “fuzzies”) and the various animals, birds and vegetation, in this world, a lot of other creatures who do not fit these categories. In General, they can be called “entities”, and their main varieties are as follows (figures are just for examples):

  1. Demons-various beings, who came (on their or someone else's will) from neighboring infernal world
  2. Essences-mechanisms-creatures, which are something at the junction of technology and living beings, as a rule, have some practical function and specific features of “ exploitation»
  3. “House ghosts” - creatures that appear in various dwellings and somehow connected with their owners
  4. Energoparitet and derivatives of feelings and emotions that can emerge from any sufficiently strong bursts of energy living intelligent beings. Are only visible to exorcists
  5. Primitive entities “animated objects” are the simplest unreasonable creatures, most of which are food for other, stronger entities or used for minor “work” like collecting small garbage or catching flies
  6. Essences-polyps-something like harmless energy plants that accumulate spontaneous information. Are only visible to exorcists
Furry Guys 0033

Issue 1-31


Now we will asking another old fogy! Hеh… Well, come on, take up the phone, old fleasaur! Mornin, Joe!… What? Ya, I know, what's the time… We have noon, almost, and you?… Four AM? How is it so skidded you?… Where are you?… Heck, what have you forgotten there? A-ah, do not noise so!… Yourself such! Joe, I'm calling for work… Do not shout, I say! We lost Allem… yes. No… Yeah, that one. Fu, how rude. Tell me, do you know of any sensible exorcist?… Yes, on a constant. Uh-huh… Really? Awesome! If you make him a magic kick - I would be very grateful!

Звездюль животворящий

Furry Guys 0034

Issue 1-32


Call when will done. Good luck, Bonecrusher! Bonecrusher…? Dancing, guys - I solved your problem! Excuse me, Mr. Ness. Did you Say 'Bonecrusher“? So, I'm outta here Eh? Yeah, I said. Unbelievable! You knows Bonecrusher Joel Of course I know. He once worked here. But… He was never listed in the lists of the RIMME's exorcists Ha Oh, you don't know so much about the history of our RI!

…И вот тут Остапа понесло… (с)

…And here Ostap suffered… ©

Furry Guys 0035

Issue 1-33

Characters - Diamond Ashley


Young, talented, ambitious However, when the production was launched at full capacity, the evil spirits simply crept out of all the cracks! And then Diamond asked for help from his friend and classmate John Arlem, no less a skilled exorcist than he. Epic Scene #1


Furry Guys 0036

Issue 1-34


..Together they turned the entity- mechanisms, pacified all kinds of demons, made a scheme for the protection of all RI's - both from external intrusions, and from internal 'bursts“… …Of course, there were conflicts too. For unknown reasons, John was categorically opposed to his name appearing in any documents - and Diamond didn't like it. Sometimes Arlem simply liquidated the papers behind his friend's back. Therefore, no records were preserved, and given the turnover of personnel, soon everyone forgot that Bonecrusher here was somehow designated here. Paranoiac! Barber's cat!

Furry Guys 0037

Issue 1-35


Guys, you scream for the whole floor. Have you a… …breast? VSHH! VSHH! I'll come back later…

Furry Guys 0038

Issue 1-36


But in spite of all their differences, they have always worked harmoniously… Shik! Fuck that! Roaaaar!!! VWUUM! ZASH! Twitch Twitch

Furry Guys 0039

Issue 1-37


What the fuck did you get in the shop without weapons? I went to the toilet. Do I already can't to piss without swords? If you continue to walk unarmed than you will piss through unnatural holes! Bonecrusher, you're crazy. Do you know it? Shut your yap. Poit!

…- What could be more melodious than the good-natured banter of two best friends…?
- Pulled up talking, diamond (from)

…и ср*ть альтернативно придется

Furry Guys 0040

Issue 1-38 (конец 1 главы)


And then, when the production was established, and one could go to the shop without the risk of being eaten - John Arlem returned to his main job as an exit demonologist. By that time, Diamond had already recruited a whole staff of assistants - so we begun to have the sixth department. And didn't Bonecrusher return here since then? As far as I remember - no. Too bad… Okay, I'm still full of cases - but I'm talking with you here! Yeah… You will have a new exorcist! Wait a week! THE FIRST CHAPTER ENDING

Sooooo, a small result:
This is the end of the first Chapter, but not the end of the FG story! Stay tuned, there will be special, technological magic ;)

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