Dinosaur Comics 3551 - 3560 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 3551

Don't worry, THIS algorithm can't be racist: i trained it on a huge corpus of internet forum posts! q.e.d.!

Dinosaur Comics 3552

It's a sign a ghost wants to talk to you but also isn't made of hundred dollar bills over there. after all: you can't, i am told, take it with you

Dinosaur Comics 3553

It's my understanding that most spas actually let you speak but as someone who exclusively goes to silent spas, when it comes to addressing that issue, i find i have nothing to say

Dinosaur Comics 3554

The quote actually began life as «a thousand times yes». my question is this: what are our elected officials doing about rhetorical yes inflation

Dinosaur Comics 3555

It's actually called that: «Warner Bros. Global Brands and Experiences». how you feel when you discover the owner of Batman is called THAT is but one of their many Experiences

Dinosaur Comics 3556

If you want to discuss valentine's… we shallentine's

Dinosaur Comics 3557
Dinosaur Comics 3558

Double double toil AND trouble? uh that's a nope from me, chief

Dinosaur Comics 3559

Angola sighed, which just made his dimples look cuter. as i looked at him i thought, oh dang, well i can't just NOT kiss this deadly representation of extrajudicial state authority

Dinosaur Comics 3560

I've gotten real good at it and NOBODY wants to see. UPDATE: oh no oh NO someone wanna see

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