Dinosaur Comics 3511
This whole scheme seems to rely on 90-year-olds being great writers but having trouble coming up with original characters or ideas while ALSO being murderous. and to that i say: awesome
Dinosaur Comics 3512
Please, facebook didn't just ruin PEOPLE. it also ruined websites and several countries
Dinosaur Comics 3513
If i may be so bold: Sexy Generational Wealth Inequality
Dinosaur Comics 3514
Angola Maldives also maybe worked for the UK? So it was a little weird he'd be called in to do an American investigation. Angola decided to spy on what the deal was with that whole thing later
Dinosaur Comics 3515
Omega five contains the godspark and lets you rewrite history, you heard it here first
Dinosaur Comics 3516
NO REGRETS. okay: some regrets
Dinosaur Comics 3517
All i want is a piece with all the powers of a girl and all the powers of a squirrel
Dinosaur Comics 3518
DC I know you would like me to pay to license Batman for this, but I believe this slip of paper I'm sliding across the table that reads «hey listen, I don't got no money» makes a compelling counterargument
Dinosaur Comics 3519
Chess famously has no hidden information: you and your opponent both know everything there is to know about the state of the game. But what my secret kryptonite pawn presupposes is: maybe you don't??
Dinosaur Comics 3520
That feel when ur friend sets up their own pun and u realize this conversation was engineered towards facilitating it