Dinosaur Comics 2511
You've been fired from every job you ever had, unless you quit before that could happen. or the earth exploded. or you became the last person left alive on the planet. really there's a few options here and they seem to be getting increasingly awesome?
Dinosaur Comics 2512
Dunno what to tell you, dude. English presupposes with «knock yourself out» that, if we could just get the permission to do so, we'd all be hitting ourselves on the heads with hammers. We all want to be unconscious just SLIGHTLY less than we want to obey the social contract that says we can't be unconscious all the time. Dunno, dude.
Dinosaur Comics 2513
Maybe i'm in over my head, or as i prefer to say, «in over my hair, if i had any»
Dinosaur Comics 2514
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the next exciting step in the afterlife's explosive worldwide development. i give you: the afterlife of things
Dinosaur Comics 2515
To see spread out in front of you and reaching to the horizon the world's wonder and splendor, to see cradled in your palm an invitation to go ride dogsleds, and to see someone else's name written in perfect, loving penmanship on the envelope
Dinosaur Comics 2516
THE DETECTIVE (STILL!) DID IT: 50 More Stories In Which The Detective Is Always The One Who Did The Murder.
Dinosaur Comics 2517
Anyway I forgot to mention the babysitter kept hearing noises in the basement but every time she went down to check, all she could find was the in retrospect very realistic statue of a murderer with a knife that she assumed the parents kept stored in the basement for some reason and also dressed in warm clothes. Yes, that's right. Throw that on top of your pile of terror, please.
Dinosaur Comics 2518
Gotta side with t-rex on this, a world where sunset duplicates all the ghosts caught in it seems PRETTY RAD TO ME. i don't think it's sustainable though. something's gotta give. those ghosts are getting HUNGRY.
Dinosaur Comics 2519
YES MOM i'd rather live with a ghost on my bed than ask a stranger for help
Dinosaur Comics 2520
Better call a plumber because THESE pipes are… leaking. on second thought, you know what, forget the plumber, just get me to a hospital