Dinosaur Comics 2181
And i'm PRETTY SURE I could add on a few more nines, history peeps
Dinosaur Comics 2182
How Come A Boat Can Sink When I Never Saw A Duck Do That
Dinosaur Comics 2183
Tell me again about your theory that we won't be pals forever
Dinosaur Comics 2184
Dentist Society: like regular society, but oh man, if you fail to brush your teeth after lunch, oh man, oh man
Dinosaur Comics 2185
This comic goes out to all the peterellas in the audience, i now - i now know your pain when spell check doesn't have «peterella» in it
Dinosaur Comics 2186
It's just when i test people's doors at night, sometimes they're not locked securely! one strong kick and you're in, shouting «don't worry! i'm real friendly!!»
Dinosaur Comics 2187
Let's just camp out here in the alt for a while
Dinosaur Comics 2188
Number of h-named friends who have rejected the nickname «Preparation H»: TWO
Dinosaur Comics 2189
Past me you gotta do me a solid here
Dinosaur Comics 2190
Anyway, my friends, that's how come i'm late for dinner