Dinosaur Comics 1051 - 1060 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 1051

Afterwards, Antonio Tony said, 'My credit card debt and car payments are two sides of the same coin', and continued, 'much like these breasts which I now see before me.' Amelia paused. 'I cannot help but wonder about your name', said Amelia.

Dinosaur Comics 1052

Amelia loved McDonalds. The food, the company, the lifestyle. The good feelings spreading through her body were like McDonalds: aggressively globalizing, yet non-exploitative. She moaned again. 'MMMMMM' she said, and Antonio finished her thought with a whispered 'cDonalds'.

Dinosaur Comics 1053
Dinosaur Comics 1054
Dinosaur Comics 1055

Chris hastings of dr mcninja told me that being hung over is like winning the lottery, except they pay you in pink sweaters that have a picture of a bear on them. the bear is wearing a watch and pointing to it; the bear is saying 'school time'.

Dinosaur Comics 1056

In case you're wondering, the next lyric is PARTY PARTY PARTY HARD / I VIEW PARTYING WITH / FOND REGARD

Dinosaur Comics 1058

Dino babies: the babies with the toddler-sized appetite… for adventure!

Dinosaur Comics 1059

If you want to program a firefox extension for this it may take up the beth part of your day OKAY I'M DONE.

Dinosaur Comics 1060

God's all, HEY EVERYONE CHECK IT OUT and then puts his hands palm-down in front of him in a simmer down motion, looks around, and says I JUST HEARD THIS TOTALLY GROSS STORY

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