Dinosaur Comics 0901 - 0910 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 0901

Congealed Human Suffering, it is the worst thing for a sitcom to be

Dinosaur Comics 0902

The Nobel Oscar Prize is given out each year to someone who makes an outstanding contribution to humanity by being super good at movies, but it can't be a movie about mathematics. it's a - it's a confusing prize? and i think its origin has something to do with a review being prematurely published about a movie being dynamite?

Dinosaur Comics 0903

He's not talking about birds. he is talking about full sized t-rexes who can fly. i am not one to say that evolution dropped the ball here, but i know one consonant-loving former nasa roboticist who would be living in ABJECT TERROR today if there were flying velociraptors roaming the skies!

Dinosaur Comics 0904
Dinosaur Comics 0905

Aww t-rex, it's not a failed relationship! relationships aren't cockfighting: they're not a failure if they don't last until one or both of the participants are dead!

Dinosaur Comics 0906

If you are personally insolvent, it is a good idea to inform the dudes

Dinosaur Comics 0908

All of dinosaur comics has been building to t-rex saying forget you, zach morris! in panel two. FACT

Dinosaur Comics 0909

There is some debate over the spelling of 'zach morris' in yesterday's comic. some say it should be spelt 'zack', while others maintain bad spelling is a proud tagging tradition! if you're reading through the comics backwards, then dude! guess what! zach morris is in the next comic!

Dinosaur Comics 0910

Let's start the new year with comics about DISEASE huh that sounds like something we can all agree on

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