Dinosaur Comics 0791
Vampire day is a holiday t-rex invented where you all dress up as vampires and get bitey. it did not survive the cretaceous-tertiary extinction event?
Dinosaur Comics 0792
Dude makes some noticeably good sandwiches
Dinosaur Comics 0793
'Num num num' being, of course, the iso standard sound effect for munchin on toenails instead of just answering a simple question
Dinosaur Comics 0795
I hope you wanted to read a comic about a girl getting beaned by a log today, because THAT'S WHAT YOU GOT
Dinosaur Comics 0796
Here is a persuasive writing tip from utahraptor: if you are writing an essay and want to say 'everything' without having to defend it, write 'most everything'. it means 'a lot of things' but sounds like 'everything' to a casual reader! with this tip including in your 'bag of writerly tricks', you will have certain success in EVERYTHING YOU EVER DO.
Dinosaur Comics 0797
Future t-rex is always one step ahead! BAD DUM DUM CHING
Dinosaur Comics 0798
This is a crazy comic about how t-rex likes the kanye west song from a while ago. have you heard the song? it's pretty catchy and it is about a woman who digs for gold, totally metaphorically!
Dinosaur Comics 0799
It is the best salute t-rex can muster under very difficult physiological circumstances okay
Dinosaur Comics 0800
THINGS THAT MAY COST YOU A LIFETIME OF FRIENDSHIP: rampant murderism, incurable stealie-o-holicism, terminal punchiness