Dinosaur-comics 3241 - 3250 (D)
Dinosaur Comics 3241
Dinosaur Comics 3242
Dinosaur Comics 3244
Dinosaur Comics 3245
Dinosaur Comics 3246
ATTENTION TEENS! LISTEN TO SENIOR CITIZENS, THEY HAVE grown up in a world without internet and therefore have very little context for the day-to-day reality of being a teen which has changed significantly over the past decade given your now global reach online but they are more than eager to give what they think is ALSO REALLY GOOD ADVICE
Dinosaur Comics 3247
Dinosaur Comics 3248
It's like people having pejorative stereotypes about skeletons. BAD NEWS, BOYOS: y'all gonna be a skeleton one day. you should talk about how great skeletons are instead of making jokes about how they all use their ribs as xylophones, which only a small percentage do, and that's their choice which we should respect
Dinosaur Comics 3249
It could be YOU. probably not though, because who is refueling or recharging that self-driving car? it wouldn't work, unless the car knew to pull into automated full-serve stations that used contactless payments (a technology which already exists) to transfer funds, in which case, yes, a self-driving car could drive around a dead body almost indefinitely, and even be used to HIDE a recently murdered body by putting it in a self-driving car and sending it off to drive around the country for years. well bye