Dinosaur Comics 2751 - 2760 (D)
Dinosaur Comics 2751

I'm not sure what «podcast» is but is it «podcast» to walk around talking about jimmy olsen?? did I just do «podcast» or what

Dinosaur Comics 2752

The proportional speed and strength didn't replace her original human speed and strength but were instead added to them, so she could still get around easily. that's good! that's some good luck, peta!

Dinosaur Comics 2753

«Maybe the problem our ancestors had was that they didn't know disease could live in water if you didn't boil it.» «That was among their many problems, yes.»

Dinosaur Comics 2754


Dinosaur Comics 2755

Look upon my time travel theories, ye mighty, and despair… but also be honestly kinda impressed

Dinosaur Comics 2756

HO HO HO HO HO HO revel in His immortal chant HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO tonight He comes HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO

Dinosaur Comics 2757

PREDICTIONS FOR 2015: «ultracrap» gets added to the O.E.D., «bojo» gets added to the O.E.D., «ultrabojo» gets added to the O.E.D.

Dinosaur Comics 2758

This comic started life when i almost posted that first tip to twitter from my laptop-warmed bed, but couldn't figure out how to stop it from sounding like the loneliest twitter post ever

Dinosaur Comics 2759

Don't even ACT like english prefixes aren't productive around me or you will get an idiomegapanomnischooling

Dinosaur Comics 2760
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