Dinosaur Comics 2631 - 2640 (D)
Dinosaur Comics 2631
Жила-была однажды
маленькая девочка в крас­но­ША­ПОЧ­НОМ СКА­ФАН­ДРЕ, которая отправилась повидать свою РОБУШКУ, то есть РОБОТА-БАБУШКУ. Но нет, что это?
КОСМОВОЛК разрушил её робушку и теперь носит её СИНТОКОЖУ и притворяется ей??
О нет! Какая грустная история!
Подожди, это ещё не всё!!
Девочка засекла его увёртки, потому что ГЛЮЧНАЯ СИНТОКОЖА – не самый убедительный способ притворяться, и убила зверя КЛАЗЕРНОЙ (КОС­МИ­ЧЕС­КОЙ ЛАЗЕРНОЙ) ПУШКОЙ
Ти-Рекс, вручаю тебе Но­бе­лев­скую за Ис­прав­ле­ние Вол­шеб­ных Ска­зок
Прос­тым Пе­ре­ме­ще­ни­ем Всех Их В Кру­тое Бу­ду­щее С Ро­бо­та­ми!

I am happy and humbled to accept this prestigious award, though i must admit that writing stories about grandroids always was reward enough

Dinosaur Comics 2632

YES it can transform. it can transform into a similar car but with its doors open.

Dinosaur Comics 2633

I call this comic, «Utahraptor Is Me Reading Science Fiction».

Dinosaur Comics 2634

These events were correctly predicted after something very similar happened to each and every member of the band ednaswap, also held in evaluative care

Dinosaur Comics 2635

Afterwards everyone all agreed that it was ANY NUMBER GREATER THAN ONE HUNDRED percent erotic.

Dinosaur Comics 2636

ANOTHER TIP: «To be or not to be, yadda yadda yadda, etc., we'll fix this in post»

Dinosaur Comics 2637

BONUS TIP: if you want to have a scene set in a very small room, feel free to mention how the room is «very small, barely large enough to fit these people inside of it» but be sure to also mention how «there was however still ample room for someone to take notes unnoticed: a writer, perhaps??». this will lend your story credibility.

Dinosaur Comics 2638

The government can't even put together a consistent timeline of what happened that night: you have your choice of DOZENS of different versions, each with their own relationship to the truth. once upon a time INDEED.

Dinosaur Comics 2639

With great rhetorical power comes great rhetorical responsibility

Dinosaur Comics 2640

How DOES it hang? a) straight up b) wait up c) hold up mister lover d) all of the above

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