Dinosaur Comics 2461
To be fair, Batman kiiiinda has ONE big regret (involving movies and his parents), but it's nothing he was responsible for. IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT, BATMAN. HONEST
Dinosaur Comics 2462
Just a reminder that in the Dinosaur Comics universe all the characters are dinosaurs! anyway good luck enjoying GTA ever again now that I have given you this brief glimpse into a world where you are a dinosaur stealing cars from other dinosaurs and then get chased by army dinosaurs in tanks and helicopters. GOOD FRIGGIN' LUCK.
Dinosaur Comics 2463
Doubling in size is truly impossible but interdimensional teleportation is commonplace. welcome to awesomeland, population: awesomeyou
Dinosaur Comics 2464
Pizza pockets are a canadian thing but basically just imagine what if you put pizza toppings in a pocket, and then, ate the pocket
Dinosaur Comics 2466
Hmm which house should i buy: the one sold by «James Peterson», smiling generic guy, or the one sold by «EXPLOSIONLAND MUSCLE HOUSES» whose logo is a house with a giant flexing arm coming out of the chimney, hmmmmmm
Dinosaur Comics 2467
Shouts out to all the people named «professor time» in the audience, hopefully there is at least one of you, hopefully you are nodding your head and whispering «yes! that is in fact exactly how it went down!»
Dinosaur Comics 2468
Writing isn't hard: writing WELL is hard. actually, that's easy too if you have a computer, because then you can have perfect letter shapes every time. okay, coming up with good things to write about is hard. unless you're writing non-fiction. okay okay, writing about good things in an engaging way is hard. perfect. write that down.
Dinosaur Comics 2469
Here's to another uneventful day here at the bottom of a hole! yes sir, there's definitely nothing that could ruin this presumably-sunny day! wait, what's that - a whistling sound, as if a high-pitched and airy slide whistle is slowly descending to a lower note??
Dinosaur Comics 2470
Also the world series only involves north america but come on let's stop talking about that and start talking about Planet Hottie and also Hunkbody, The Habitable Moon