Dinosaur Comics 2341 - 2350 (D)
Dinosaur Comics 2341

This phone was passed down to me through the generations by my great-grandfather, a man known now only in legend. and it has a rockin' email app, you don't even KNOW

Dinosaur Comics 2342


Dinosaur Comics 2343

Today is the day i literally end a comic with «lol», so if you are good at following instructions, please laugh out loud right… NOW

Dinosaur Comics 2344

This one goes out to that dude at a party who said he «knew everything about star trek» and then stared at me blankly when i wanted to talk about in-universe ambassador-class starship design decisions. in other news INVITE ME TO YOUR PARTIES I'M LOTS OF FUN

Dinosaur Comics 2345

ThatWasPrettyFunnyAndIEnjoyedHearingAboutIt - CAM - XviD - NOT A FAKE.torrent

Dinosaur Comics 2346

Wow that meat writes a comic but never learnt how to make all of that comic's content easily viewable to those who are unaware of secret text locations

Dinosaur Comics 2347

On the plus side now i have a lot more free time to watch movies, soooo

Dinosaur Comics 2348

Babes, you can call me «cool hair darr»…yl

Dinosaur Comics 2349

Written while under the influence of sick medicine. way sick medicine, bro.

Dinosaur Comics 2350

The thing with bikinis is it's not the skin you see that's the most tantalizing, it's the skin you can't see because it feasts outside our dimension in a maddening twist of non-euclidean space

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