Dinosaur-comics 1011 - 1020 (D)
Dinosaur Comics 1011

Dear diary: WORST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE EVER? seriously, diary.

Dinosaur Comics 1012

NEW READERS: morris is a tiny bug that hangs out on t-rex's nose sometimes. ALSO, NEW READERS: YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR MOUSE OVER THE COMIC TO GET A LITTLE EXTRA JOKE AT THE END OKAY??

Dinosaur Comics 1013

GUYS i'm calling this one for t-rex. t-rex is the first one to apply the because seven ate nine joke on e, okay? TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, AND POPULAR CULTURE

Dinosaur Comics 1014
Dinosaur Comics 1015

Saying that is like unwrapping the paper on the present that is old age

Dinosaur Comics 1016

Oh, sexual congress! how do you ever get any business done?

Dinosaur Comics 1017

That cockroach sentence comes from my text adventure epic, your mouth is full of cockroaches. it's like a regular text adventure, except every room description starts with that sentence. if you type 'remove cockroaches from mouth' all it says is you think about it, and decide you just don't want to do that.

Dinosaur Comics 1018

SHAKESPEARE i know it's not your best play, but you could at least use a friggin' napkin!

Dinosaur Comics 1019

Meanwhile, sony is slowly driving by in a matte black truck, snapping pictures the entire time.

Dinosaur Comics 1020

T-rex doesn't swear that often so when he does he tries to make it special. for everyone?

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