Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2711 - 2720 (H)
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2711
Handed Unhanded
Персонажи: Ayane the Ninja, Goldwolf the Pirate, Philip the Paladin, Princess Ata, Princess Dewcup, Slissy the Warlock, Slissybus the Succubus, William the Barbarian
Местность: The Great Tomb
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2712
Ctl Alt Del
Персонажи: Ayane the Ninja, Goldwolf the Pirate, Philip the Paladin, Slissy the Warlock, William the Barbarian
Местность: The Curtain of Abynn
And so ends the guest appearance by the Adventures. I want to thank Neils Dejong for the loan of his Pathfinder party and hope that I can use them again some point in the future. Check Neils DA account: (Neils is the player of William the Barbarian) and also that of Micha van Dooren: the artist who is also the player of Slissy.
Bewarned, their stuff is at least as NSFW as YAFGC, and some of it more so!
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2713
Fast Forward
Персонажи: Ain, Bob the Beholder, Captain Razortooth of the Redcaps Elite Archer Division, Chimera, Clover Firelight, Gav Orc Priest of Gruuumsh, Geliminous "Gimmy" Cube, General Gronk Plundercheeks, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Gren Razortooth, Jalla Razortooth, Jilted Dragon, King Eric III of Drostardy, Maula Bloodhand, Mrs Razortooth, Sal, The Sphynx of Temshutep, Turg, Two-Heads Ed, Yapp Gnarll
Местность: Kingdom of Elegrost, The Black Mountain, The Tomb of Temshutep, Westlinden Halfling Village
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2714
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2715
So Confused
Персонажи: Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich"
Местность: Kingdom of Elegrost
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2716
A Collision Course With Wackiness
Персонажи: Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Princess Dewcup
Местность: Kingdom of Elegrost
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2717
What With The Who Now
Персонажи: Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Princess Dewcup
Местность: The Curtain of Abynn
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2718
I Know You
Персонажи: Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Princess Ata, Princess Dewcup
Местность: The Great Tomb
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2719
Ata Puts Her Foot Down
Персонажи: Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Princess Ata, Princess Dewcup
Местность: The Great Tomb
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2720
A Desperate Hope
Персонажи: Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Princess Ata, Princess Dewcup
Местность: The Great Tomb