Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0791 - 0800 (D)
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0791
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Regrets And Realizations

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Персонажи: Baron Owen Greyfort, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Maula Bloodhand, The Dread Pirate "Gentleman" John Matheson
Местность: WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0792
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Getting To The Point

Персонажи: Cadugan, King Eric III of Drostardy, Meegs, Taidor the Druid
Местность: WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0793
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Dragon Lunch
Персонажи: Bob the Beholder, Undead Dragon
Местность: The Black Mountain
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0794
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Where Ring

Персонажи: Charlotte, Clover Firelight, Cuddles the Cloaker, Gren Razortooth, The One Ring, Tweagol
Местность: Silverydale Halfling Village, WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0795
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Oh Noes

Персонажи: Clover Firelight, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Gren Razortooth, King Eric III of Drostardy, Lucas Greyfort, Maula Bloodhand
Местность: WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0796
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Breakdown

Персонажи: Clover Firelight, King Eric III of Drostardy
Местность: WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0797
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: I Promised

Персонажи: Charlotte, Clover Firelight, King Eric III of Drostardy, Lucas Greyfort, Maula Bloodhand
Местность: WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0798
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Real Intentions

я передумала.
Персонажи: Charlotte, Clover Firelight
Местность: The Black Mountain
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0799
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Cadugans Comfort

Персонажи: Cadugan, Lucas Greyfort
Местность: WyldWood Forest
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 0800
Lich of the Rings Pt. III: Exeunt

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Персонажи: Arachne the Drow, Bonita the Skeleton, Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Wolf
Местность: The Black Mountain