Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 3416

Conclusions: Kassims Wedding


Персонажи: Califf Tambid Al-Umbril, Califfa Vanessa Al Saugren min Ch'Thier, Elf LIbrarian, Fatinah, Nin, Prince Kassim Ibn Tambid Al Umbril, Princess Adina bint Vanessa al Umbil, Princess Sahar bint Vanessa Al Umbril min Ch'Thier, Vachiritei the Haran
Местность: Umbril: The City in the Shade
I want to apologize for the lack of updates this week. I'm behind schedule because I got inspired for something special on the Christmas Day strip. In order to get it done on time, I'm dedicating all my YAFGC time to it. I promise it'll be worth it. At least, I hope.
-Rich “BK” Morris

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