Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 3319

Ranna's Fulcrum: Ranna Goes On A Bit


Персонажи: Califfa Vanessa Al Saugren min Ch'Thier, Eddy the Mage, Fatinah, Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Ranna Goddess of Chaos and Cruelty, Turg
Местность: Ch'Thier's Celestial Tomb, Elegrost Fields

Soooo… here we are, all shut-in and hoping this pandemic gets controlled and life can go back to normal. In the meantime, here's a requested strip from David Ramsey on the YAFGC Facebook page. He wanted to see YAFGC characters playing D&D. So here's a little snippet of Royal life with Glon and the girls in the Goblin Lands.


Incidentally, if anyone decides to actually try playing Strip D&D, I want to hear about it.


Because I was inspired. And I don't feel that so often as I used to.

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