Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic 2914

The Serpent Awakes: Ten Years Of Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic


Персонажи: Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Princess Shaija of the Red Orcs
Местность: Saltspray Mountains, The Black Mountain

So here we are at the almighty tenth anniversary of YAFGC. I can say that I am rather proud of my achievement with HUGE thanks to my beloved wife, DM to whom I complained all those years ago that I never seemed to ever get very far on a project. She encouraged me to try try try and with lots of support it's been ten years of almost regular updating.

Ten years, two-thousand nine-hundred and fourteen strips.

I'd like to thank as many of you as possible in person, so I've set up a little chatroom

Which I plan to visit this evening around 8:30pm Atlantic Time to say hi, share laughs and ‘visit' with whoever's available to join me. Hope to see you there, and if you can't make it I'll try to arrange another time to set one up.

Thank you all for reading, laughing, and sticking around.

-Rich “Beholder King” Morris

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