Nerf Now!! 2811 - 2820 (H)
Nerf Now!! 2811

Expiration Date

Guess I should mince both and make pancakes with them?

Nerf Now!! 2812


Well, at least I found some use to her…right?
And in other news, looks like MikeZ did some nasty shit and I think Lab Zero (Skulgirls, Indivisible) is pretty much over at this point. Nothing much left to say outside he made his bed and now needs to lay on it. Good luck to the rest of the team who is leaving tho and I hope they find a better place.

Nerf Now!! 2813

Isekai'd 2

Knowing how the world go this joke was probably done somewhere already but I haven't seen it and the Simpsons did it first anyway.
I wonder if there is a market for a game like Fall Guys but a bit more skill-based. Perhaps not, but I'd give it a try.

Nerf Now!! 2814


I don't have much to say today. It's raining, I had coffee and biscuits and 2020 keep being 2020.
Hope you guys are well and cya Monday.

Nerf Now!! 2815


There was no International this year but I still wanted to write something Dota related.
I said once and I'll say it again, I like the concept of playing Dota more than playing it. The long matches, the throws, the griefers, and the exploiters/hackers/abusers just undermine the experience too much.
My wish was Dota turbo was the main format of Dota but I'm sure people will hate me for saying that.

Nerf Now!! 2816

Occupational Hazard

Victoire comic, check.
Mini-Medic comic, check.
See ya guys in 2030.
Oh, and I plan to play this game, which is the closest you guys will see me recommend something those days.

Nerf Now!! 2817


Sorry for the late comic, life happened.
I just want to say I miss the time where Dota characters were not covered in special effects.

Nerf Now!! 2818


Sometimes a very simple joke takes the hardest to draw but hey, hope you enjoyed it.

Nerf Now!! 2819

Weird Dream

I started playing Forager and the game is interesting. My best description would be it's like a weird mix of Stardew Valley and Cookie Clicker. My biggest complaint is the game seen to have a lack of an end goal. Maybe there will be something down the road, or maybe the game expects me to craft the best stuff possible for the sake of it and call it a day.
Personally I like when the game has some main goal like Factorio spaceship. Even if automation is the main appeal of the game, having a goal for all those machines gives me a tangible objective that guides how I should approach the game.
Still, I'm playing it mostly to wait for Rogue Heroes so it's a good time waster for that.

Nerf Now!! 2820


I just realized I put Anne as the «Free» space and she probably will get mad about it. She isn't giving anything for free when she could profit from it.

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