Nerf Now!! 2131 - 2140 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2131
Pearl been growing on me, but just because the war between her and Marina.
I'd even say Pearl has some appeal, but if she was the solo hostess of the Splatfest I don't think I'd care about her.
Marina is hotter, but the meme potential of Pearl is over the roof. I think they make a good duo.
Nerf Now!! 2132
You can play a separate Shovel Knight campaign with Specter Knight, and the 1st time you find a rock pile your instinct is to dig it like you do with Shovel Knight.
I was sure the game would throw some curveball at you, making the rock pile indestructible but no, you hack it away with your flimsy scythe like it was a sturdy shovel.
While I'm happy for the gems I uncovered by digging it, it just feels WRONG.
Nerf Now!! 2133
Nerf Now!! 2134
Nerf Now!! 2135
Artifact reveal got me by surprised, but there is NO information about the game outside the logo.
I need a little more than that to get hyped.
However, Day9 said he played it, and said something about lanes, creeps and barracks so I'm picturing something like the Elder Scrolls card game with some Plants vs Zombies throw in the mix.
Really, we need a gameplay video.
Nerf Now!! 2136
Nerf Now!! 2137

Hope you guys watched the International because after all those years, Liquid did it.
Doomfist is the new Roadhog, the hero who can one-shot everyone and can't die. The question is to know if Blizzard will «balance» him like they balanced the pig.
Hope so, the hero is broken right now.
Or just give my Pharah nuclear bombs. But just mine, the enemy can keep the lame ones.
Надеюсь, вы, ребята, смотрели Интернационал, потому что все эти годы Liquid это делал.
Doomfist – новый Roadhog, герой, который может выстрелить всех и не может умереть. Вопрос заключается в том, чтобы знать, будет ли Blizzard «уравновесить» его, как они сбалансировали свинью.
Надеюсь, что герой сломан прямо сейчас.
Или просто дайте мои ядерные бомбы Pharah. Но только мой, враг может держать хромых.
Nerf Now!! 2138
I spend more time than I needed trying to come up with who should feature on this comic, based on the pressing question of «who would bang who in Overwatch»
In the end, I picked D-va, because I really wanted to use the daddy-o line, Soldier, because he has a stick up on his ass and Mercy for no other reason than I enjoying drawing her.
I though for a second in using Pharah and making it a big military R&R party but somehow Pharah seen too srs business.
Fun fact – The original joke had Tracer instead of Mercy but I avoided it because I was sure people would keep pointing she is lesbian, like Soldier and D-va was some kind of canon pair. Maybe I should kept it that way just for that…
Nerf Now!! 2139
When I hear the charge sound of Doomfist Rocket Punch, I hope it's aimed to somebody else because whoever he hits will pretty much die.
It remind a lot of old Roadhog with the short cooldown hook-combo, but as a support you could theorically avoid Roadhog by not exposing yourself to the frontlines, but Doomfist has Genji mobility and if he wants to trade 1 on 1 with you, he'll do it and can has a good chance to live to repeat it 4 seconds later.
Nerf Now!! 2140
There is no Starbucks here so I can't really judge their drinks, but when I see people talk about their coffee, it's usually the fanciest ones who look more like milk shakes than coffee.
Mind you, I like milk shakes and I'd probably love Starbucks frilly coffees, but I feel people are using the excuse to «drink a coffee» to buy a sugar bomb.