Nerd Rage 0331 - 0340 (D)
Nerd Rage 0331


Who's got breath of the what?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild features a new cooking system, where – if it exists in nature – Link can either gulp it down or throw it in a wok to stir fry. Never has Zelda felt so informed by Snake Eater.

Octoroks and Tic Tacs, Leevers too. But with your help our hero pulls through!

Nerd Rage 0332


Elliott yearns for those good ol' days, where games came with a tiny book full of words and pictures.

For years games came with manuals. They weren't just about telling you to the controls worked, though, that's also where you got all story and cool pictures that weren't blurry, pixelated sprites. Over time, publishers cut down on manuals and they got thinner and thinner. These days the cases are empty!

(Of course Binding of Isaac has to show me up by releasing on the Switch with a cool NES throwback manual.)

Nerd Rage 0333


His name is Light Turner now? American Death Note sure sounds, uh, interesting.

While the movie has been in production since 2009 over at Warner Bros, it's since changed hands and is only now coming to completion. The trailer and announcement, released by its new home at Netflix, has caused quite a stir with online communities.

And now a very special announcement for the toy fans out there:

Nerd Rage will be partnering with Nintendo and Good Smile Company to release an exciting new collectable in their figma series!
Orders are extremely limited (ending Saturday April 1st) so make sure to get your preorder in as soon as possible!

Nerd Rage 0334


In Fire Emblem Heroes, the Askr kingdom turns to the tactical expertise of mysterious a summoner from another world.

Nerd Rage 0335


Elliott puts a whole new spin on the tradition of hiding Easter candy.

Happy Easter Post-Easter Clearance Candy Day, from Nerd Rage!

Nerd Rage 0336


Cloud? Corrin? Bayonetta!? These aren't the addition all the rumors promised us!

Recently Nintendo (finally) announced the final three Super Smash Bros. Amiibo: Cloud, Corrin, and Bayonetta. They also announced a special variant for each character!

Of course, last month news broke that there were four new CPSIA Certificates listed for Super Smash Bros. amiibo. But there were only three Smash Bros characters left! While one theory indicated we would get two versions of Corrin, it was far more fun to speculate. Which new character would be coming to Smash?!

Oh. Right. It really is two Corrins.

Nerd Rage 0337


Remember the good ol' days when games were hard? Well now there's a new difficulty setting!

You would think NES hard couldn't get much harder, but here we are: the NES Classic. A device so elusive that after months of waiting in lines, online notifications, and perpetual shortages Nintendo has finally announced it's officially out of production.

I wasn't so interested in the mini console (I own most of those games several times over), it would have been nice to get one of those NES style Classic Controllers. Too bad they've been harder to find than the system itself!

Nerd Rage 0338


When Mario makes plans he makes sure ALL his friends are invited.

Nerd Rage 0339
Nerd Rage 0340


None of these characters are original, so you could probably steal them.

Sega finally revealed the mystery character in Sonic Forces. No, it's not Bubsy the Bobcat – it's you! Sonic Forces is going to include a character creator so you can include your original character (do not steal) in the game. Honestly, it's a little surprising Sega hasn't done this before. Few franchises have more 'OCs' created for them with a little recoloring and some added accessories than Sonic the Hedgehog.

Maybe Sega's been taking notes from Dragonball Xenoverse?

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