Nerd Rage 0321 - 0330 (D)
Nerd Rage 0321


It's important to start the new year on the right foot.

Nerd Rage 0322


Listen to Tony Stark. Leave the flying monster guy to the specialists.

Nerd Rage 0323


Nintendo is proud to announce a new, life-changing subscription service for the Switch.

Last week Nintendo officially discussed their new console, the Switch. Within that announcement came the news they would now be charging a subscription for online services.

So far we don't have a price. Or a specific list of features. But what do we have? The news we'll "get" to use smartphones instead of "bulky headsets". And that gracious Nintendo will give us one NES or SNES game each month– their pick –then take it away at the end of that period.

Oh Nintendo. Why am I preordering?

Nerd Rage 0324

Blast from the Past

Metroid's Samus Aran comes to terms with the whole Switch launch lineup.

But while there is a big Samus-shaped hole in the Switch line up – and plenty of reason to believe a new Metroid game is in development – I'm happy to see the return of a different classic character:

Having played many a Bomberman game in my day, I can't help but be excited to see a new title. It's nice to see Konami (yes, Konami absorbed Hudson Soft) will let some of their older acquisitions out of the basement from time to time. Hey, and it's not even a pachinko machine!

Nerd Rage 0325


You used fully realistic people, Mario. You never interact with realistic people!

Look at them! Running around all realistically, and in some sort of modern human city. No smiling bushes. No smiling clouds. No angry sun trying to kill you.

Never mind your eye level being matched with their realistic-crotches! Sonic might claim he only palled around with realistic people one or twice, but the rest of us haven't forgotten.

Nerd Rage 0326


In Arms, Nintendo's newest IP, fighting seems a bit of a…stretch.

Seriously, this is exactly why we switched to cordless phones!

Following Splatoon in Nintendo's line of weird new IPs, Arms looks like it could be a lot of fun! I'm not a huge fan of motion controls after an entire generation of them being mandatory, so thankfully producer Kosuke Yabuki confirms there will be alternate control options. Of course, people were critical of Splatoon's tilt controls when announced and those are definitely the way to play for me and many other players! Here's hoping punch-based controls really do work!

Nerd Rage 0327


It's Valentine's Day and cute, pink Pokemon are everywhere in Pokemon Go!

Well…it was Valentine's Day. And there was an event.

And of course now they're onto newer, more exciting events, but this week's comic is about the Valentine's event!

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we couldn't think of a sweeter time to double the amount of Candy you'll earn every time you catch, hatch, and transfer Pokemon. Your Buddy Pokemon is also getting into the Valentine's Day spirit and will find Candy twice as fast!
Throughout the celebration, you'll notice that Chansey, Clefable, and many other adorable pink Pokemon will be encountered more frequently in the wild. Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum will also be more likely to hatch from Eggs. And to help you paint your town pink this Valentine's Day, Lure Modules will last for six hours for the entire duration of the event.
This limited-time celebration will only be available from 11:00 A.M. PST on February 8, 2017, to 11:00 A.M. PST on February 15, 2017, so grab your valentine, get out, and explore the world around you!
– The Pokemon GO team

On the first day of the event it was like the skies opened up and a storm of Clefairy rained down. And then it kept raining until their bodies filled the streets and clogged the drains. While Clefairy was not my first pick, other trainers reported finding Chansey, Lickitung, and Porygon. I was personally hunting for a Jigglypuff with better stats before evolving into a Wigglytuff, but I was willing to catch Celfairy. At the very least, I was excited at the prospect of catching the remaining 200 Pokemon needed for my Fairy-type badge.

The second day of the event, someone at Niantic clearly said «Whoa, too many Clefairy,» and just like that the event was dialed back. And instead I got the regular mix of local wildlife with a couple extra Exeggcute. Exeggcute wasn't an uncommon find here in the first place.

And while I caught a few Lickitung and Slowpoke, I never even saw a Chansey pop up on the scanner.

Nerd Rage 0328


It has bombs and it has boobs. Is this the future of rebooting classic games?

Yes, Bombergirl is 100% a real thing. While Konami was tantalizing fans with Super Bomberman R, they also announced a new arcade game. An arcade game that resolves the the long unanswered question: «What if Bomberman was actually an anime girl?»

«Also, what if the explosions damaged her clothes?»

Nerd Rage 0329


Pack your bags, it's time for a camping trip!

As in there's new Nintendo console to be procured. It is unseasonably warm out there, but that's the least of your worries: did you actually get a Switch preorder? Or will you be scrambling to grab one at launch?

Whatever your situation is, I hope your launch date goes over smoothly and is full of Zelda-y goodness!

Nerd Rage 0330


Mr. Owl is the wisest of us all.

Because he's the only one not putting a game cartridge in his mouth for a taste test.

Nintendo has confirmed the plastic cartridges include a bittering agent to dissuade children from shoving them in their mouths. Ironically, this same bittering agent has made a bunch of adults stick the same cartridges in their mouths to experience the terrible taste everyone is discussing.

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