GaMERCaT 0271 - 0280 (H)
GaMERCaT 0271
Hey readers, I have an important announcement to make regarding comic updates. This was a difficult decision for me, but I have decided to put the comic on a temporary hiatus.
I know this is extremely short notice and I had not planned on doing it at all, but I feel this is necessary for a number of reasons. The reasons are mostly very personal (and thus I don't want to elaborate), but the best general explanation I can give is that I am feeling burnt out. The comic has been updating consistently without a single break or missed update for over four years now. I haven't even taken a break for the holidays or vacations. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, but this kind of ceaseless schedule also comes with a price, and the payment has finally come due.
I haven't decided on the exact length of time for the hiatus yet, but I'm going to start with three months. This hiatus will not effect the Kickstarter that's currently in production or the monthly Patreon wallpapers, though if you are pledging via Patreon and would like to suspend your pledge during the hiatus it is completely understandable.
There is so much support for this comic and I can't thank you all enough for it. I hope you can understand why I need this break, and if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer.
Thank you, and I hope everybody has a great first day of the new year!
GaMERCaT 0272
April Update
It has officially been 3 months now, so I wanted to give an update on things! I'm really sorry I didn't post yesterday, I got busy with a project and completely forgot to schedule something to go up.
The hiatus has been a wonderful and amazing break, and I thank you all profusely for your patience and kind words during it. I know you were all hoping to see updates resume, but I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to return to comic updates and have decided to extend the hiatus a little. But I've also decided to begin work on the second printed volume now that the first one's Kickstarter is finished, so I won't be idle. I'm also going to be working on a buffer and figuring out some back-end things that need to change in order to keep the comic physically sustainable for me. I don't talk about it a lot, but I have a degenerative disease that makes long work hours progressively painful, and has been one of the cruxes of my problems. But I'm doing my best to figure out how to work around it.
I'm going to give myself another 2 months and can hopefully return to a regular schedule after that. So, the current plan is for updates to resume Monday June 4th! In the mean time, if you have any questions or suggestions for extras you'd like to see in Volume 2, please drop a comment!
Thank you again for all of your kind words, I can't tell you how much it means to me! Having such supportive readers made a difficult time much easier to handle.
GaMERCaT 0273
May Update + Books Available!
Hey everybody, I just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going. First off, the Volume 1 books are available in the shop! I am including the leftover sticker bookplates and/or postcard sets for free with all book sales while supplies last, so now's a good time to grab one if you're interested.
Want to buy? Get the book & more here:
I have also been hard at work on Volume 2, and I'm happy to say that it's very nearly ready to go! I learned a lot from the first Kickstarter, so I'm hoping the one for Volume 2 will run much more smoothly. The book itself is pretty much done, but I still have to figure out and create a few more things like goodies and stretch goals. I'm hoping to be able to launch the project around July, so please keep an eye out for it then!
Updates are still on track to resume June 4th. Thank you again for your patience during this hiatus, it really does mean a lot to me <3
GaMERCaT 0274
Digital Daze

Not gonna lie, I got into Minecraft hard during my hiatus. Sometimes I had no idea where the days went and it was a little disorienting!
GaMERCaT 0275
Down the Rabbit Square

Для продолжения игры внесите оплату.
Комментарий автора: Майнкрафт - один из худших пожиральщиков времени, и поэтому его стоит избегать, хотя это было очень весело. Я решил вернуться к своей первой встрече с ним несколько лет назад и, наконец, пошутить над тем, что из этого вышло. Minecraft is a game I always identified as a timesink and thus should avoid, but it's immensely fun. I decided to go back to my very first experience with it years ago and finally make the joke I wanted to at the time.
GaMERCaT 0276
Высокие цели

GaMERCaT 0277
Killer E3

E3 made me feel a bit weary this year. Even Nintendo got a bit hardcore and I was pretty surprised by their Ridley promo. Thank goodness for Tunic and Ooblets, amirite?
GaMERCaT 0278
The best thing about playing Minecraft with friends is there's so many weird but hilarious things you can do to them. Also HEADS UP! I will be skipping next Monday's update (July 9th) because I'll be vending at Anthrocon and I have to travel pretty far for it. Next update will be Monday July 16th!
GaMERCaT 0279
Water From a Block
When I get deep into a game and eventually get bored of the main focus yet don't want to stop playing, I start scrutinizing the side features. Eventually I shift to a similar game with a stronger focus on my new interest and the snowball keeps rolling.